Hi, I'm anue118's boyfriend. I'm taking care of Bella and Lyra (http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?p=52620#post52620) for a couple of days while she's on a camping trip.
Bella (the one pictured with hair loss) is VERY skittish. Any relatively sudden movement on my part, or loud noise, will make her run to the back of the cage and hide. Starting yesterday, she's been making a loud chirping noise which I've found out is barking. The first time I had music playing on my laptop, the second time there were birds chirping loudly outside my window, and just a second ago there was music being played downstairs with loud bass (still being played :impatient
. I want to help her calm down, and get her used to me... any ideas? She's definitely curious, and will sniff my finger, but any other movement around her makes her run away.
Oh, and I should mention: her previous owner said that her first owner mistreated her, which probably has a lot to do with her behavior. How can I convince her that I'm going to take good care of her and won't try to hurt her?
Bella (the one pictured with hair loss) is VERY skittish. Any relatively sudden movement on my part, or loud noise, will make her run to the back of the cage and hide. Starting yesterday, she's been making a loud chirping noise which I've found out is barking. The first time I had music playing on my laptop, the second time there were birds chirping loudly outside my window, and just a second ago there was music being played downstairs with loud bass (still being played :impatient
Oh, and I should mention: her previous owner said that her first owner mistreated her, which probably has a lot to do with her behavior. How can I convince her that I'm going to take good care of her and won't try to hurt her?