how to attract chin drink water

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New member
Aug 5, 2011
I have one chinchilla but she drinks little water.
I really want to attract her to drink more.
I have already used 3 water bottles in her cage but she use only one bottle anyway. I don't know why she doesn't like drinking water. The pee is dark orange.
She is 15 years old right now. I asked another chinchilla owner and discovered that my chin is drink less water than other chin. My Chin doesn't like any wet food.
Any suggestion?
First, chinchillas shouldn't have "wet food". Next I would ask, how much IS your chinchilla drinking? Pee, in general, should not be dark orange when it comes out. If it sits a while it does tend to look dark orange but otherwise, fresh out of the body, the pee shouldn't be dark orange. I would use JUST the bottle that the chin mainly drinks from IF there is a way to monitor EXACTLY how much the chinchilla is drinking. Keeping in mind that a LOT of bottles leak to some degree...if it's an extremely leaky bottle it won't be of use in monitoring anyhow.
Of course, my chin drink water but only about 10ml per day. The fresh pee is dark orange. I use a small cup to collect the pee.
I know some chins enjoy fresh veggie but mine hate fresh veggie.
Im with you, wondering about the pee collection, and how would one go about doing that. Maybe she is just collecting to see the color??
I could guess how-but im not sure i want to know. I had to collect pee from a cocker spanial with a urinary tract infection- Had anyone ever taken a wire hanger and bent it to reach something? Well it was sort of like that only with a bowl sitting the end and trying to dance around the dog to keep it under her when she squatted. The dog was very offended. Cats are easier- a sort of glass litter in their litter box. then syringe it out. If the chin had a litter box that was empty of absorbent things? that's the best I've got.