How Sticky Should Poops Be?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Feb 1, 2009
Hey all, my chin has been having sticky poops for a while now, maybe a month since I noticed. I suppose it's possible that it's been like that for longer but I didn't notice. Anyway, his poops are hard, normal size, normal color, everything like that...but they'll just stick momentarily to you when you press them to your finger. Not smooshed or soft, but just a little sticky.

His appetite is good, I don't feed him treats, his weight is stable, and he's behavior hasn't changed. I took him to the vet two weeks ago, but he just REFUSED to poop at the vet even after a couple of hours (he never does at the vet for some reason), so they were forced to use the 14-hour old poops I'd brought for the fecal float, and they said that it looked normal but put him on a 2-week course of Benebac, which hasn't really altered anything.

Is this worth following up on? The vet seemed pretty unconcerned about parasites. Thanks for any help you guys can provide.