yeah if she was at a breeder's with other chins, she probably will be happier in the long run with a cagemate.
I might get Sedona a cagemate this summer perhaps. I know she will do great with a chin around her age since I got her from JAGS.
Any chins comes from "around other chins" they all have mothers. I'm thinking there is some sorts of misconception going on here. Most breeders don't use large pens of chins, they are in runs, then in a cage with mom, then weaned usually by themselves when they are ready, so they usually spend most of their lives by themselves after leaving mom.
I have taken chins that have lived their whole lives in runs and put them together with other females who have done so and they can live happily in colonies, even at the age of 12.
As far as Sierra's post: If you're getting rid of Pheonix I hope you don't get a new chin, how would that be fair to anyone? Any chins can not get along, so saying you don't have money or room for a new cage isn't really going to fly because you're talking about getting new chin later, and there is no guarantee they will bond.
Earlier someone said something about taking their chin to meet the other chin. I don't let other chins into my place, because lack of quarantine and communicable disease issues. One sale to a person who is not committed to enough to keep two chins apart if needed isn't worth the health of my whole herd. Even playing for a little bit at a new place is not going to tell you if they'll get together or not, they could go home and fight left and right, or fight at the breeders and get along at home. It all depends on attitudes, and situations. There have been chins who have gotten along, then people move the cage and then they don't, or chins who haven't gotten along, the people move and then the chins get along. There are so many variables.