How old is too old to get her a cagemate?

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Ruby's Mom
Jun 29, 2009
I really want to get Ruby one, but I have to wait for my parents to allow it.

How long do I have?

She turns 2 on August 3rd.

it won't matter too much what her age is, but it'll be better to get a young chin to introduce her to. adult chins take in babies better than chins their own age.
Okat thats good to know. I was planning on getting an 8 to 11 week old anyways so that's awesome news
yeah my oldest boy Liv was about a year when we decided to get him Indy and since Indy was so young, it was real easy to introduce them. keep in mind, though, that some chins just dont get along so pay attention to personalities if you can and try to think what kind of personality would go well with your girlie. for example, is she submissive or dominant? because two dominant personalities may not get along to well. just some ideas! :thumbsup:
has she ever been with other chins? if so, how did she act? is she playful with you or does she like to be on her own? a possible idea is if you have a potential girl you wanna get and you can go pick her up, bring Ruby with you one time and see how they interact.. if they are ignoring each other and not chasing or making 'unfriendly' noises, you will most likely be set!
Thanks! She was never housed with other chins, but I got her from a breeder so I knoe they were around. She is kind of playful, but it depends on her mood that day.
yeah if she was at a breeder's with other chins, she probably will be happier in the long run with a cagemate. let me know how it works out! hope she finds a cute buddy :wink2:
I will! I'll PM you. It probably wouldnt be for awhile (like this summer) but I'll definately let you know. Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it
I have put a 2 year old in with a 5 month old. And I've put a 6 year old in with a 12 weeks old. So you age doesn't really matter, just be ready to quarantine before introducing, and separate them if they don't get along.
Phoenix is almost 2 and Sedona just turned 5 months and there is no way to put them together. Phoenix is just too dominant and just downright aggressive toward Sedona. It's a good thing that I washed Sedona's belly/butt area because she had pee stains that I couldn't get out otherwise. I wouldn't even had known that Phoenix actually broke the skin when she was chasing her one day. I felt so bad. I checked it tonight and it is scabbing up really well.

Phoenix is starting to bite me too and she has broke the skin twice now and bit me intentionally twice when Sedona was scared and sitting on my shoulder. I went to push Phoenix back and she just bit me and pulled hard then finally let go. I just don't think it's a good idea to keep Phoenix so I'm giving her back to her previous owner this Saturday.

I might get Sedona a cagemate this summer perhaps. I know she will do great with a chin around her age since I got her from JAGS. He was right she is a total sweetheart and I love spend as much money as I could if something bad happened to her.

How do you know if a young chin would like a cagemate or if she wants to be the only super spoiled rotten one?

Sorry to cut into your thread. I guess I just wanted to let you know that you can't really think that a cagemate will always happen.
I just don't think it's a good idea to keep Phoenix so I'm giving her back to her previous owner this Saturday.

I might get Sedona a cagemate this summer perhaps. I know she will do great with a chin around her age since I got her from JAGS.
So you are keeping the new chin and chucking your old? Then you might get another chin? What happens if Sedona doesn't like the new chin, are you going to chuck her too? Coming from JAGS doesn't guarantee she will get along with another chin...sorry if I misunderstood, but this is how I read it and I feel bad for Phoenix and potentially bad for Sedona in the future...
yeah if she was at a breeder's with other chins, she probably will be happier in the long run with a cagemate.

I might get Sedona a cagemate this summer perhaps. I know she will do great with a chin around her age since I got her from JAGS.

Any chins comes from "around other chins" they all have mothers. I'm thinking there is some sorts of misconception going on here. Most breeders don't use large pens of chins, they are in runs, then in a cage with mom, then weaned usually by themselves when they are ready, so they usually spend most of their lives by themselves after leaving mom.

I have taken chins that have lived their whole lives in runs and put them together with other females who have done so and they can live happily in colonies, even at the age of 12.

As far as Sierra's post: If you're getting rid of Pheonix I hope you don't get a new chin, how would that be fair to anyone? Any chins can not get along, so saying you don't have money or room for a new cage isn't really going to fly because you're talking about getting new chin later, and there is no guarantee they will bond.

Earlier someone said something about taking their chin to meet the other chin. I don't let other chins into my place, because lack of quarantine and communicable disease issues. One sale to a person who is not committed to enough to keep two chins apart if needed isn't worth the health of my whole herd. Even playing for a little bit at a new place is not going to tell you if they'll get together or not, they could go home and fight left and right, or fight at the breeders and get along at home. It all depends on attitudes, and situations. There have been chins who have gotten along, then people move the cage and then they don't, or chins who haven't gotten along, the people move and then the chins get along. There are so many variables.
I have 7 chins and 7 cages. I tried to do intros with 2 chins and it ended in blood so I'm quite happy to have all 7 in their own cages. I did intro a baby chin to an adult and it was the BABY that drew blood. I think anyone that plans to have more than chin should always be prepared that you may end up with them living separate.

We, as humans, don't get along with everyone so I can't expect the chins to get along with all chins. Even though I really wish I could combine some chins in cages and cut down on cages. Those FN take up a lot of room! ha!
Originally Posted by Sierra
I just don't think it's a good idea to keep Phoenix so I'm giving her back to her previous owner this Saturday.

This sentence is very disterbing to me.
Just because she has her own personality she gets disgarded. Hummm, things to think about.
Phoenix is almost 2 and Sedona just turned 5 months and there is no way to put them together. Phoenix is just too dominant and just downright aggressive toward Sedona. It's a good thing that I washed Sedona's belly/butt area because she had pee stains that I couldn't get out otherwise. I wouldn't even had known that Phoenix actually broke the skin when she was chasing her one day. I felt so bad. I checked it tonight and it is scabbing up really well.

Phoenix is starting to bite me too and she has broke the skin twice now and bit me intentionally twice when Sedona was scared and sitting on my shoulder. I went to push Phoenix back and she just bit me and pulled hard then finally let go. I just don't think it's a good idea to keep Phoenix so I'm giving her back to her previous owner this Saturday.

I might get Sedona a cagemate this summer perhaps. I know she will do great with a chin around her age since I got her from JAGS. He was right she is a total sweetheart and I love spend as much money as I could if something bad happened to her.

How do you know if a young chin would like a cagemate or if she wants to be the only super spoiled rotten one?

Sorry to cut into your thread. I guess I just wanted to let you know that you can't really think that a cagemate will always happen.
There is so much wrong with this post that I don't even know where to begin nor do I even have the time right now to properly respond and probably shouldn't but you obviously have no clue whatsoever about chinchillas. First off, Phoenix is biting you b/c she smells the new chin in the house and no doubt on your hands and is acting totally normal with the 'intruder'. Did you even do the whole introduction thing slowly as in giving them plenty of time to adjust to each others smells, then move cages closer and closer over time and wash your hands between handlings? I doubt you did.

Giving Phoenix back to the original owner b/c she isn't accepting the new chin is just plain lame. Who's to say that your new chin will accept another chin? Are you just going to keep picking up chins to try out and toss them if they don't pair up nicely like you want them to? I'm sorry but that is rather callous of you to do that to a chin or any other pet for that matter. It's a major upset to them being shipped around like that and having to get used to their new surroundings all over again. I would never sell or give you a chin knowing that you have no problem disposing of them when it doesn't work out just exactly the way you think it should. They are live animals, not dolls you know.
I didn't have time to address the OP on her question about 'how old is too old to get her a cage mate?' Like others have said, it's not so much about the age of the chin rather their disposition. A lot of people would tend to agree that chances are better they get along if the new chin is younger.

I've had good success at introducing my males and my first attempt was with a three-year-old boy who was an only chin the whole three years and I did manage to introduce him to two bonded male chins, one a year old and the other about nine months old and it took me a good three months of working with them on a daily basis.

There were good nights and bad nights but I was very patient with them and when I felt there was too much chasing I'd call it a night, put them back and start the process again the next day. I also brought them out during the day when they were at their sleepiest and this seemed to help. Also putting a nice big dust bath in the middle of the room for them to hop into and dust together helped too.

In the end though, you cannot force them to be a pair and even if they are they can decide not to be like my trio I just mentioned. My original boy has a new cage mate now and the two other bonded boys are still together and they seem to really like their buddy.

My new boy Carlos is a single chin and he seems to enjoy hanging around the Grey Boys' cage at play time (mesh front, not bars) and My Oscar the grouch actually seems to quite enjoy him being there. I've got a feeling that in the future Carlos might just become a trio with them; we'll see. I need to give it WAY more time and so for now I'm mostly just observing their behaviour.

People really need to not be in such a rush to make pairs of chins happen b/c most likely they will not cooperate if forced but if you are truly patient with them and you do work with them then your chances are pretty good they will eventually pair up for you and they will be content and happy.
I do plan on taking my time on introducing them and I am fully prepared if it doesnt work out. I have an extra cage right now (Ruby's old one) and she is currently in a FN 141. If everything works out I will expand the FN for them, If not I will use the 143 and make it two separate cages. Thanks soo much for the info guys. I love how helpful you all are :)