How often...

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
I'm sorry in advance for this... But it's important that I know how often to give these things. I hope I'm not a bother here. :]
I just got some snacks for my little Chilly bean. He's never had anything like this since I've had him(and I'm assuming he didn't have any before that either) so I was excited to give him some. However, I'd like to know how often I can give him which, how much I should give him, and which ones I can give in the same day, etc... So I will list them all, and I'd love if you guys could give me some advise. I did order this from Ronda, if that helps at all. :] He has tried some of them, but his poo got a bit soft so I didn't want to give him a taste of the others yet.

Rosehips(seemed to like it).
Red Rose buds
Jasmine(threw it down but he could acquire a taste for it).
Lavender(seemed to like it).
Fiesta Flora(no idea what's in this... Lol didn't try it yet).
Calendula flowers(seemed to like it).
So again... I want to know how often I should give each, how much I should give, and which I can give in the same day/week, etc... :) Thank you guys. Sorry for all the questions. ^ . ^
I also wanted to ask how often I should give him a Cheerio. XD
I'm sure there are a lot of differing opinions on this subject but I don't give treats more than 3 days a week. Even that could be seen as too much by some. Chins only need good pellets and timothy hay or orchard grass. The treats are simply fun for the humans to dole out. I never give more than one of the treats every few days. You want them to get the nutrients they need from their food.
No such thing as bothering anyone...that's what we're all here for, to learn from each other.
Treats should be given a max of once per day, but as mgonya said a few times a week is better, I give my guys treats about 1-2 times a week. Also only one treat at a time, like one cheerio, or one rosehip, or one flower, etc. If it's crushed then about a pinch of treat. A chin's stomach is only about the size of the tip of your pinky finger (most of their digestive track is intestine), so it doesn't hold much and you want most of that to be food not treats.
I know that they should be fed pellets and hay as most of their diet, I was just curious what the limit of treats would be since there are so many opinions. I wouldn't want to give him too many. I'm still figuring out what he likes, which is why I bought so much stuff.
Thanks everyone. :) The treats help him bond with me. He always gives me extra love when I give him a treat.
I believe the rule for any animal is no more than 10% of the diet should be treats. So since an average chin eats 2 TBS of pellets a day, 10% is a pretty tiny amount.