HOW much should a female chin weigh? 2 1/2 years old?

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There is alot depending on that. Color, feed, environment. Average weight is between 600-700 grams. A mute usually weighs less than a standard. I've seen females as low as 500 grams and as high as 1100 grams. It really depends.
There is alot depending on that. Color, feed, environment. Average weight is between 600-700 grams. A mute usually weighs less than a standard. I've seen females as low as 500 grams and as high as 1100 grams. It really depends.

Ok thanx My female weight 6 53 grams and I wasn't really sure if that was over weight or not. She is a silver mosaic she lives in the double unit critter nation, and is fed Oxbow chinchilla pellets and timothy hay
That really depends on the chin. Some weigh as little as 400 grams and others are over 1000 grams. Anything in between is fine, too. Some are just little, others big and the rst fall somewhere in between. The big question would be, Does you chin seem to be underweight? Can you feel her ribs or backbone? If not, then she probably is just fine.
Did you want to know what a good weight is or what a good weight for BREEDING is? I'm pretty sure several of us have recommended to you multiple times to hold off on breeding your chinchilla until you get a TRUE evaluation of her quality.

A good weight for a BREEDING female would be above 600g. You also need to check her pelvis to ensure she has a large enough pelvis to give birth to a kit. In all honesty I don't think it's a good idea for you to breed her considering you don't even know how to tell if a female is in heat or many of the basics that should be learned before breeding.
She is definitely not overweight at that weight. It is pretty rare for chins to be overweight anyway, if they have a healthy diet as opposed to fatty nuts and junk like that they will eat what their bodies need.
Cuddlebug- no I can't feel her backbone at all. And RDZCRanch, I just wanted to know what a good weight was. I wan't sure because My castrated male weighs around 580 grams and she weighed more so I wasn't sure if she was just overweight or something, but now i realize she is not. She doesn't seem fat,
And RDZCRanch, I just wanted to know what a good weight was.

That is good to know if it is really true. I thought the question might have to do with breeding since you posted under breeding and babies instead of health and hygiene or something not related to breeding.
That is good to know if it is really true. I thought the question might have to do with breeding since you posted under breeding and babies instead of health and hygiene or something not related to breeding.

I always look at the different forums, then I was playing with my female and decided to ask, forgetting which I was posting it under. Sorry