How much food should I order?

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Isabella Whateva

Well-known member
May 18, 2009
Hey guys
I'm about to order some pellets online for my chin (PANR), and I'm not sure how much I should order. The website guarantees that the pellets have been milled in the last three months. I want to order the most I can for my one chin so that she'll eat it before it goes bad. How many pounds do you guys recommend I get?
If you want to save the most money, you should be able to fit 15-20 lbs in a flat rate box. So that way you'll save money on shipping by filling the box.

Most people say you should use the pellets within 6 months.

I honestly can't remember how much one chin eats in a month since I have 5, but I would say you could get away with at least 10 lbs for sure, and at the price of food if you think it's getting old, you could always just get more.

That's why I think when ordering food it's a great time to stock up on toys too to make the price worth it.