How Much Food Should I buy for My New Baby Chin?

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New member
Nov 30, 2011
I will be getting my new baby at the end of January. I've looked online for food pellets and hay. I want to know if I should buy the food pellets with rose hips in it already? O also want to know if hay cubes are ok to give to him? He will be about 2 mos old when I get him.
as far as pellets go, it is a good idea to get enough to last a few months at most, as pellets stored longer than that will go stale and lose their nutritional value.

chins under 6 months should not have treats, so don't get the pellets with rosehips mixed in. actually, any chin should not have food with anything mixed into it, as this can get the chin picking out the yummy stuff and not eating the pellets.

I would go with Oxbow pellets, my boys are both on oxbow and are doing quite well on it. and in a pinch, when you are running out and it will take too long to get pellets ordered online and shipped, you can pick up a bag of oxbow at petsmart to tide you over. it's always good to go with a high quality pellet that is easily obtained, so that you don't run into a situation where you can't get more of the same pellet.

hay cubes are just fine to give a baby chin. it's just hay compressed in a cube, and hay is very important and should make up a good portion of the diet. loose hay should be offered daily as well.

can't wait to see pictures of your cute lil bebe!
That was very helpful! Thank you and I will be sure to post lots of pics of my little guy ;-D