How many twigs per night?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I normally give my boys four twiglets a night. I wasn't sure if this was to many or not enough? They have about six hanging chew toys as well, but seem to like the twigs more. Thanks so much!
How many can your budget handle? My wood administration depends more on that than their wants. You can give them as much as you want. When they get tired of it, they will put it down. I usually give one or two a day as a treat.
I end up giving them a lot too because I just can't stand the look on their faces when I don't give an extra! Haha but of course this means I have to buy more sooner and wood is rather it all depends on how much you're willing to spend on them. You can't give too many, they're not like treats which would be dangerous to provide too frequently, but they'd be just fine if you only gave them 1 a night as well.
I tend to spoil, a lot. I fill up a tea mug daily with sticks. It's really what your budget can handle. If I notice a half chewed stick has been tossed aside I will pull it out of the cage and give it to somebody else.
My boy Phillip LOVES them. Terrance will occasionally chew on them (if Phillip doesn't chew them all first). I buy wood from Ronda. My last batching I have had since August, so it lasted me a few months. My boys only chew off the bark though, and throw the sticks to the bottom of their cage, so I spend a bit more on sticks ;)I didn't even notice my supplies were getting low until last night, so it was time to order more!
I have the same issue with Trixie. I usually put a couple on the top ledge of her cage...and she will go up there, nose around and if there are none there, I get this really pathetic sad chinny eye look from her.
To quote the Bee Gees, "How deep is your love, how deep is your love..."

If you can afford it, they'll be more than happy to chew them until you run out!!!
I give them a handful of there are more than 2 chins in a cage. If there is only one about 8 twigs.
Yeah... I have no willpower when it comes to giving twigs/sticks. I have an entire organizer drawer just full of different kinds. When I walk by the cage, it isn't uncommon for me to just dish out a handful at a time. And one of my boys is a stick stealer, so I have to give extra to the others cuz they are always taken away by him... silly boy. I just love to hear them all chomping away :D
We do "pick a stick" at night time. I have a container of apple twigs and I open the lid and let them choose one. Sometimes after they choose they throw it aside and I let them have another if they want. Once in awhile they get greedy and try to jump in the container and claim them all. They also have handing wood toys too though
My little vermin have NO RESPECT! They like to rattle their cage door when they want more, or give me the sad puppy eyed look, like uh, Mom, STICKS HERE AND NOW!
I give my chin a few sticks a day, but she also has other chew toys as well. But I don't think you can give your chin too many sticks. It just depends on how many you can afford to give.
the sky, er.... the wallet, is the limit! lol.

i'm lucky in that i found an organic apple tree this fall. i processed all the twigs and skinnier sticks from the cuttings and i keep them in open containers on top of one cage. whenever i'm in the chin room i dole out the sticks, anywhere from 1 to a few for each of the boys. Rhino loves this apple wood, whereas Guss really isn't much of a chewer when it comes to wood and toys. he much prefers to wear his teeth down with hay and pellets, but does chew the odd stick or loofah here and there. i keep sticks in his cage all the time in case he wants to chew, but usually i end up giving them to Rhino untouched.

both boys also have oodles of hanging toys and other loose pieces of wood and loofah in their cages too.
We do "pick a stick" at night time. I have a container of apple twigs and I open the lid and let them choose one. Sometimes after they choose they throw it aside and I let them have another if they want. Once in awhile they get greedy and try to jump in the container and claim them all. They also have handing wood toys too though

hahah my chins do this too! Sometimes I'll leave the basket full of twigs on the floor during playtime just to see what they'll do, and usually they sit in the basket and try to eat all of them at once :)
We do "pick a stick" at night time. I have a container of apple twigs and I open the lid and let them choose one. Sometimes after they choose they throw it aside and I let them have another if they want. Once in awhile they get greedy and try to jump in the container and claim them all. They also have handing wood toys too though

This is such a good idea!

I tried holding one for her the other day while she chewed it. Wouldn't you know, she pushed my hand away! The little brat :)

We keep her treats and sticks in a box next to the cage. When I put my hand in there, oh man, then the dancing starts.

But back to the OP, I give her at least one and she managed to break one of her hanging toys so I give her wood from that too.
Tilly-- I love that you do this!! I do the same thing with treats for my dogs and chins. I feel like they probably appreciate having some say in their treat for the day :)
I think they like having say too. Sometimes if theycan have a rosehip or herbs or some other goodie I hold two or three things out to see what they want. I give too many sticks btw, they break my bank..greedy little buggers

Edit: I need to add that sometimes when I'm very generous with sticks, I find some non de barked in the litter pan or peed on! So thankful aren't they :p
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I have to travel to a pet shop an hour away to buy out their apple stick stock , everytime I am there I clean out their entire supply ;) We have three organic apple trees in the backyard, did anyone have a link on how to safely process the wood? Would save me a bit of money.....that would no doubt go straight back into buying more toys ;)