How many pounds of pellets?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
Is the an approximate amount that a full grown male chin should be eating per month? I'd like to order some pellets from a seller on here, but I want to make sure I get enough to last, but not enough that it'll last TOO long.
Thank you very much! I was figuring about 4 lbs should last around 2 months. Glad I wasn't too off!
When your rabbit is fed an improper diet that is, one that does not contain an adequate amount of fiber or one that is too high in carbohydrates the Gastro-Intestinal tract cannot function properly and it begins to shut down, causing various degrees of what is called GI stasis. How will I know if my rabbit is having problems?
I went ahead with 5 pounds of Tradition. I figured that would last us for awhile without it going stale. I was ordering in 50lb bags of PSRC, because it was cheaper, but I was throwing out a lot of the end of the bag for the squirrels.
You could look into seeing if anyone in your area wanted to split a bag of something. I use to buy 25lb bags for my little guy of Mazuri. He went through a large portion of the bag before it was too stale to use. However, I also dumped his food and added fresh each morning so some was of course wasted.
The main problem is that I moved and can't get the PRSC as easily anymore, it's quite a drive. I was worried I'd end up in a pinch and unable to get it, so I figured I'd probably have to switch his food while I still had some left.
That makes sense. Tradition is also suppose to be a very high quality food. I have yet to try it alone myself. The girls were on Tradition mixed with high quality rabbit pellets when I got them. They are now on Oxbow which they love. Luckily I'm able to get it locally, though I got it special ordered so I could get the cheapest price.