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Four chins surrendered today in aquariums (two in a 20 gallon, one male each in a 10 gallon). Looks like these guys have not dusted in ages. Popped a dust house with BC in their new cages and none of them seem to be able to figure it out. They came in with nothing.. no water bottles,food,dust, nothing nada. So they are getting Manna Pro Sho, supplement and blue cloud. Plus.. tons of toys, timmy hay(loose and cubes) and wheels. Poor things look lost.. like "what IS all this STUFF??"

Think they will remember how to dust? I am wondering if I should leave the dust house in over night to encourge them a bit. Also.. they are not eating the hay.. doesn't look like they got that either.

Male black velvet, male brown velvet (they said he was the dad of the BV and mom is a standard although he looks beige to me) and two standard females (mom and daughter). These guys also are going to need names? Ideas?

Just had to share and vent a bit. :banghead:
The rescue chins I picked up from the Bay Area also did not know how to dust. Out of the 11, only one actually dusted right away. The rest would just dig a little bit and on the second day, a couple rubbed their faces in it. It has been almost two weeks and the two boys who stayed here are now dusting immediately when I give them their dust bath jars. It may take your guys a while for that dusting instinct to resurface.
That is good news to hear. I just feel so bad for these guys. They look so greasy. Our other rescue guy Liam looks amazing next to them. Other than the dust/hay/aquarium issues they look good. Plus.. they did seperate mom/dad so no more kits. Which is a relief that I don't have that worry about that.
if they don't start dusting on their own just rub the dust into their coats. One of the rescues I took in just didn't get it either. I would hold her in front of the dust bin, rub the dust in her fur and then place her in the bin. Took about a week for her to get it on her own.

Keep us posted:thumbsup:
Some chins will also not dust if they don't feel comfortable. My Keiki was that way. She didn't dust for a while when I first got her since she was in a new place and was kind of nervous. But now she dusts fine!
Thanks for all the replies guys. :D These guys are so cute! Once they are looking a bit better I will make sure to post pictures.

Now.. to think of names for them. Since they are a family I am leaning towards a Disney family since we live so close.
I ocasionally except rescues and often the first night I leave the dust bath in. It seems to comfort them
Can't wait to hear updates. I have a Chin who didn't know what to do with the dust bath at first either. She loves it now. Sometimes it just takes them awhile. If you have others that do it, you might want to let them bathe in the area of these guys so they can see what to do...they might need to see how its done by someone of their own kind first.
I am going to try a pan tomorrow and see if that helps. I keep the plastic dust "houses" for the rescues and the newbies are using them as a hidey house instead of dusting. I am hoping the pan would encourge them to dust and not hide but I am going to take it slow.

The BV boy did take some applewood from me and was enjoying it tonight. Hopefully the girls find theirs in the cage too.