How long until they can go back

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My craigslist chinchilla had babies almost 3 weeks ago. I was told on the forum that a baby safe cage was better than the aquarium i had them in, and i decided to wrap the other cage in hardware cloth instead. i ended up just buying a cage from craigslist that was baby safe, but it is sort of small. I was justwondering how long until i can move the babies into the other, bigger cage. the bar spacing is 1 inch by 1 inch. I put them in therre for a while yesterday, and nobody escaped, but i am afraid to leave them alone for too long, just in case. do you think they are big enough to go back in? if not, how long until they can?
Depending on how big your kits are, even weanlings can fit through 1 inch spaces. If the they are 1" squares, that's a little harder for them to get through as they get bigger. You're going to have to be the judge of whether they can fit or not. Some kits at 3 weeks are 100+ gm, some are smaller.
oh okay. thank you. i thought all babies grew at pretty much the same rate. the big ones are 90 & 95 grams. the runt is 85. i am thinking it would be safest to just wait.
I would wait a good while, I've heard where young chins have gotten their heads stuck in 1" x 1" bars. They will be fine in a small cage until they're older.