How long to switch food?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My mom's kit is on Mazuri food. We were going to switch him to Oxbow. I know the process normally takes about a month. I was wondering if it could be done faster without harming the chin?

In about a week and a half we were going to introduce my mom's kit (Jett) to my chin Terrance. It will have been two weeks since Phillip died at that point.

Terrance eats Oxbow chinchilla food, and I really don't want to feed him Mazuri at any point.
the intro process is going to take time, with both chins in their own cages. so a week and a half from now you'll start the intros. intros (if successful) could take a few weeks, or less, or more. lots of time to slowly change over Jett to Oxbow.

i'd change the food slowly, and hold off on intros if need be. no reason to have a hard set timeline on any of this, and keeping your chins' health in mind is number one in my books.
When I need to sitch food I simply leave an extra bowl with the new food in it. I think they have good instinct and seem to know what works for them and their tummy's. This wouldn't work if they have junk food, but worked when switching from Mazuri to Purina Rabbit to Nature Wise