How long should treats be kept?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
Hopefully this is right section for this.

How long should I keep treats and other goodies before throwing them out? Like say I get a lot of a certain treat, like rose hips, petals, or hay cubes, how long would they be good for? Does some of this stuff even go bad? I just wanted to ask so that I don't make my chin sick by accident.
chins shouldnt have dried fruits or trail mix... but, to the OP, I dont give a very big variety of treats mostly unfrosted shredded wheat and rosehips. I keep them in a tuperware container so that they sray fresh and have had no problem with them going bad. as long as you keep treats tightly sealed and away from moisture they should last for a long time. what treats are you giving? it might know what your giving in order to determine shelf life.
as long as they are kept tightly sealedso moisture couldnt get to them they should last for a very long time.
It depends on how much you give them and you estimate the treats for them in a week. For as long as it is tightly sealed so that it will not receive any fungus and bacteria that can cause bad effect.