How long after medicine?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
In general, how long does it take to get a chin to start eating on it's own after it's done with a treatment of baytril? I was just curious. :)

Depends on the chin, depends on if the treatment was a success and depends on if the baytril was oral or injectable. If it was oral it can be awhile since it is not 100% known why they stop eating-is it because of the bacteria in the gut is killed off or is it the foul taste. I tend towards the bacteria because in the past I have had it compounded with orasweet and it still caused problems. Lu has been on baytril injectable for 19 days and never had any issues, he actually started eating on his own while on it.
Oh, okay Dawn. Is there a way to get them to start eating more on their own after their treatment is done? (Assuming they were handfeeding)
When I wean off hand feeding, I start by cutting out the evening meal, then I weigh the chin in the AM and the chins food, if the chin maintained weight, two days later I stop the lunch time meal and the evening meal, then weigh the chin the next day and I keep doing this until they are off. It can take a week or so to get them weaned off.