Chinchilla slave
I love watching Trixie when I have her out in her playroom for a run. Just wondering what your critters like to do when they are out. Trixie is pretty predictable when she first goes out..she runs for her dust bath when I have it out. Then her rutine varies. Some nights, she cannot seem to get enough of running around the room. Hitting all 4 corners over and over. She will stop for a rst on the edge of a cabinet we have in the room..where she sits an just looks around. Then runs some more.
Other days, she seems to just want to sit on the windowsill and look outside, or sit over in what I call the snack corner..where I usually keep a couple wooden sticks and Timothy cubes for her to chew on. Next rest spot is the back of the chair I sit on when she is in her room.
Her end of run routine is always the same. She will go to the snack corner, then to the corner of the table, and then to her dust bath. Then after one last spin in her bath, she is ready to go "home" and will hop bnack over to her carrier and hop in, and wait for me to bring her home. I can tell she is ready because when I put my hand down right outside the door of her carrier, she will hop onto my hand and rest against my arm..and let me carry her home.
I love watching Trixie when I have her out in her playroom for a run. Just wondering what your critters like to do when they are out. Trixie is pretty predictable when she first goes out..she runs for her dust bath when I have it out. Then her rutine varies. Some nights, she cannot seem to get enough of running around the room. Hitting all 4 corners over and over. She will stop for a rst on the edge of a cabinet we have in the room..where she sits an just looks around. Then runs some more.
Other days, she seems to just want to sit on the windowsill and look outside, or sit over in what I call the snack corner..where I usually keep a couple wooden sticks and Timothy cubes for her to chew on. Next rest spot is the back of the chair I sit on when she is in her room.
Her end of run routine is always the same. She will go to the snack corner, then to the corner of the table, and then to her dust bath. Then after one last spin in her bath, she is ready to go "home" and will hop bnack over to her carrier and hop in, and wait for me to bring her home. I can tell she is ready because when I put my hand down right outside the door of her carrier, she will hop onto my hand and rest against my arm..and let me carry her home.