How does your chin spend its playtime?

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I love watching Trixie when I have her out in her playroom for a run. Just wondering what your critters like to do when they are out. Trixie is pretty predictable when she first goes out..she runs for her dust bath when I have it out. Then her rutine varies. Some nights, she cannot seem to get enough of running around the room. Hitting all 4 corners over and over. She will stop for a rst on the edge of a cabinet we have in the room..where she sits an just looks around. Then runs some more.
Other days, she seems to just want to sit on the windowsill and look outside, or sit over in what I call the snack corner..where I usually keep a couple wooden sticks and Timothy cubes for her to chew on. Next rest spot is the back of the chair I sit on when she is in her room.
Her end of run routine is always the same. She will go to the snack corner, then to the corner of the table, and then to her dust bath. Then after one last spin in her bath, she is ready to go "home" and will hop bnack over to her carrier and hop in, and wait for me to bring her home. I can tell she is ready because when I put my hand down right outside the door of her carrier, she will hop onto my hand and rest against my arm..and let me carry her home.
Mine spend about ten minutes bouncing off the walls, then will jump on me to get to the window sills and the rest trying to find ways to escape. They ignore any toys and never want play time to end. Hopefully this will change was they get older. Of course it may be partly our fault too since we do not have a steady schedule for them.
My chin has a double sized playpen attached to her cage so she can come out anytime she wants. She has a chin maze and a 4 foot tunnel that she likes to spend time in. Mine doesn't run around too much on her own but will run a lot on her chin spin. If I'm in the pen with her, she will spend most of that time jumping around on me and insisting on scritches.
It depends on the chin.. WHen chin-chin is out, if i'm leaning over while sitting on the floor he'll jump on my shoulder and i'll give him little kisses on his it... if the bath house is out, he's ocd about bathing, just won't come out.. some run around the room constantly, just can never check out the same spot enough, they don't jump like they used to tho and I do miss that. And when No No is out, I can actually call her and she'll come over to me, that I love... So they all act differently, all cute tho.

The first 10 mins my chin just explores and runs through the wooden houses and cardboard tubes I have laying out. Then...he begins to plot his escape route which usually leads him to jumping on my shoulders...and my head lol. He stomps all over my book when I'm trying to read, he's an attention hog alright.;)
Laps, investigating corners, more laps, trying to figure out why there's air coming out of the wall (AC grate), more laps, trying to figure out how to turn the door knob and run around the whole house, more laps, climbing up to sit on my shoulder (Cervantes) or on top of my head (Crash), more laps. Playtime is over when Cervantes gets bored enough to try to hump/chew his brother. On bath days, there are periodic pit stops for redusting and nose wipes as well. :)
I have 2 boys who play together at playtime. The first thing they do when in the room is run to their bath house. Then some nights they play the entire time, jumping all over, climbing through tubes, their wooden houses and cardboard houses. Then they absolutely love the window sills and starring out the window. They also enjoy climbing all over me and the laptop. They are fascinated with the computer, they run across the keyboard a hundred times. LOL. They are just the cutest guys. They get into anything and everything. I will be studying and my books look like a dog got ahold of them, rips and tears all the way down the book. But then there is other nights they will just go in one certain tube and hide. I can say they both have totally different personalities. You never know what exactly they are going to do. That is the fun thing about play time!!
Playtime is in the bathroom.......there is wall surfing, jumping from the floor to the toilet to the counter, jump down, walll surf, jump in my lap, do it again.........and again.
but i just cleaned under my sink to make it more of a play area and my one boys loves it. The other one is too much of a PITA and wont come out of his cage, so he hasnt seen it yet!
My chins are all different. Tilly is very outgoing and tries to escape and only when she almost succeeds will Gizmo get into trouble with her. Otherwise the two of them spend the time chasing each other which is SOOO cute. and they seem to run as fast as they can through the maze haven haha its like they are timing themselves. Also, we have wood floors so they slip and slide

Freckles is a sensitive girl and she only comes out when she feels like it. She knows she is respected so if she doesnt want to she doesnt have to so when she feels like it she will sit on top of her fleece tube as per our system and I scoop her up and put her down to run. The first thing she does is go hide in the maze haven to check things out and when she realizes it is clear she goes nuts haha !

Charger is very high strung so he slips and slides on purpose the entire time jetting back and forth.

They have about 15 ft x 15 ft of space that we have chin proofed for them so they really get to run it is nice
Well since I have had Kunya almost a month now (wow time flies!!) our normal playtime routine is in the bathroom. He LOVES the tub! He rolls around it and runs on the side between the curtain like a crazy man! He has mastered jumping on my shoulder and sitting on the window sill as his newest trick. Most of the time he climbs on me like I am a playground! It's the coolest thing, I love it! My boyfriend comes in to be used as a jungle gym too. He is so amazed at Kunya's skills, just like me! Kunya really doesn't play with toys or chews when he's out...he has too much fun running. He has been very good we enjoy playtime so much! :thumbsup:
My chin loves to run around in my living room. She runs through her chinchilla tubes and jumps on my shoulder. But i also give her a dustbath.
Douglas likes to use his dust bath at first...then he does laps around my room. On my bed, then nightstand...laundry basket..many wall jumps. Hops on my lap, then onto the computer desk, gets some scritches, then continues this all until I finally get him back into his cage. hahah
Phoenix and Sedona have separate playtimes in the playpen. Phoenix usually knows when Hayley goes to bed so she will just sit in the front corner and look at me waiting for me to start putting the playpen up. If I am unable to do playtime for the night, she will just stare at me and then I feel like I have to explain myself to her. :rolleyes2: and I end up doing just that. Phoenix goes first and stays out for about an hour just jumping all over me and being a momma's girl and then Sedona gets her turn for about 45 mins. and she is the escape artist that's for sure. She may be stocker than Phoenix but you can't let that fool you. She will try to slide under our door to the hallway where she will try to go under Hayley's door but her door doesn't have as big of a gap like ours. :dance3:

If its dust night, they each get to spend their playtimes with me in the bathroom making a mess for me to clean up and sitting uncomfortably on the floor while they have their fun (the things we do for our kids) :thumbsup: