How does your chin let you know it's time for a bath

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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
So last night I let Shelly out for her romp around the house. While I was taking out her dust and dowl I turned around to look for her. Where was she? She was giving herself a bath in one of the big pots in the living room. There she was rolling around in potting soil. :wacko:

When I put her bowl down she ran into the kitchen and jumped into it. She was rolling like crazy as I was putting dust in. It had only been two days.

How do your kids let you know they want a bath?
Roll in their shavings... Then again, they do this 2 hours after I've taken their bath away... :rolleyes:
my chins would take a bath every day if i let them. i leave a dustbath in the bathroom and sometimes i forget to take it out and even if there is a teaspoon of dust in there, i can hear them rolling around. some of them even roll in the dust that spilled out on the floor from the chin before them. my boys LOVE their dust bath.
It's time for a bath, when...

Sesame starts making her own dust to roll around.

Sesame starts getting this huge cravings for pumice stone or the lava bites. She goes into a chewing frenzy and in the middle of chewing it, she'll stop, drop, and roll in the little pieces of pumice stone and dust she just created.

Definitely have a dust bath addict over here.
My Sam sticks his nose down in the corner on the shelf and then does a rolling flip like he's rolling in dust. Cutest thing ever!
gizmo will sniff the carpet where the bath usually is and will roll and roll all over the floor cute! :)