How do you know when you have enough chins?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
I have been toying with the idea of getting another chinchilla, possibly a chinchilla from a rescue who prefers to be housed alone. I don't want to mess with the bond between my two chins right now by introducing a third.

However, I am afraid I will become an animal hoarder. And chinchillas are especially addictive :p

Does anyone here NOT want more chins? How do you know when you have enough? Is there a magic number? Do people who can never have enough become breeders?
I'd say keep your number under 10 chins and you will be happy. I don't even really know how I ended up with so many chinchillas just happened and I have to work really really hard keeping them clean and healthy and happy.

Get as many chins as you can care for and it's still fun. Trust me, five chins can be a lot more fun than 25 or 100. You want to be able to keep them clean and entertained without it becoming a burden on your life.
i would think it would depend on if you had time to take care of them all.. and if you do, you could problem fit another one into your family, but if not, i wouldn't...
i currently have 4 but giving my 3 girls to a friend who is going to be getting all set up and i gave her a bunch of vendors on here and the website. but i think im more of a one chinchilla person. its easier for me to give a lot more attention to one then to have a bunch. but i think its about how many you can take care of and give attention to.
the funds to properly care for them all (including any unexpected vet visits, medications, etc) is in my opinion the biggest deciding factor in how many chins somebody should have. after that, it is the 'fun factor', ensuring the number of chins you have makes you happy, and you can devote enough time for each to get individual attention and care.
I only have one and i think thats a good number for me. I could handle two but im pretty sure i will always stick with one. People already make fun of me of how much time and attention i give maggie. If i had another i probly could never leave the house lol
I went out overnight on valentines day and maggie gave me the cold shoulder when i came home!! It was terrible!
Wow, this is a great thread! I have 3 girls and would love more, but time and money are my consideration. They have a calming effect and make me happy but I spend a lot of time and MONEY on them. Maybe in the future, never say never...
I have had alot more, but three for me is it. They get spoiled rotten, get plenty of attention and playtime and are easy to take care of.
I started with two, which I thought would be fine...but then I really wanted a third, and having her was great so I planned to get a fourth (and final) and keep it at a nice even number. However, I find myself satisfied with three and now I can't imagine having another, although that magical number four is always in the back of my mind :)
i have 9 (plus 1 foster) and definitely do not want any more. My ideal number would be 4.....just 2 FN towers.
I pretty much agree with what everyone has already said. The biggest deciding factors for me would be funds and space. I'm perfectly happy with my one little guy, although there is a chance I might be taking in a chin that needs a home sometime in the near future. At this point in time, I couldn't see myself with more than 2, but maybe someday when I have more space that could change.
I adopted my three girls at 6-month intervals. I know my husband started to worry I would keep up that pace. But I feel content with my girls right now. Like Diana, I have the magical 4 number in the back of my mind, because I'd love a violet someday. But honestly, I don't want more cages to clean. I have two FN towers; Chelsea has one to herself, and the other is split for Piggy and Cleo. I'd love to have a bonded pair, likely the violet with Chelsea, but I know there are no guarantees, and I wouldn't want to halve Chelsea's living space after all this time if I had to separate them. I have the money and space for another, I could make the time, but the urge isn't strong enough to make it happen.

However, I have spoken with breeders in the past who know what I'm looking for. If that violet kit came along, I know I wouldn't be able to turn it down. :D
I have three but aspire to having four in the future...... Sid seems so lonely all by himself so we are moving his cage into the living area until the perfect kit comes along (I know it's no guaratee, though....) I tried very hesitantly to intro Sid to my bonded pair even if it was just for shared playtime but there was a lot of instant hatred from my oldest bonded chin so i didn't want to risk my pair's connection. Still, Sid looks on rather wistfully when they have their playtime and he always peeps at them (grumpy chin doesnt answer but Baby Dragon comes up to say hello through the cage bars)
I think three is a perfect number....Well if I had 2 pairs, or they all lived together, I think that would be different, but since none of my chins get along, it's a lot of work having 4. That means 4 playtimes a day, and one of my chins has special needs so I let him out every day for at least an hour so he can get exercise. Now that I have 2 ferret nations cleaning is easier etc etc, but I wish they were in pairs so that I could give them an entire FN and not just a half section. 2 of my chins are very high strung, so I think personality is also a factor. I try my best to give all of them equal attention every day so that they are not lonely!

Medical expenses are another biggie---I have savings set aside which might not enough if something major came up, but I have means to borrow money if something major were to arise. But as far as other expenses go, I think I spend less money of food since I'm now able to buy in bulk. I will say that I do find myself working an extra shift a week so that I can keep them happy with apple twigs and other chewables!
I'm at my max with three girls. It took me almost two years to expand to three and I know I can't take on more than this.
I have 6...4 more than I ever intended to have. Chin #1 (Ari) is my baby (figuratively, not technically; he is a year old), #2 (Sobek) is his friend, #3 (Talyn) was my failure at trying to make a "trio", chin #4 (Kallel) is #3's friend. Chin #5 (Moya) was a "planned" friend for #6 (Prowler) who is a baby and the last two are long stories.

I always *want* more chins but I don't -need- to have any more. I have three cages to feed, clean and "furnish" and that's more than enough for me. It's also three separate play times when I take them out.

I don't think at 3 chins you'd be close to being a hoarder; assuming that you don't already have hundreds of other pets. =)
I have 70 as of the last time I counted. A few years back I had more. I enjoy breeding... However pet wise it was a lot more fun when I had less than 5! Should I ever stop breeding, I would let them naturally pass but would stay under five long term as pets. Most likely a same sex trio :)