How do you get the fur to stop....

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Turning yellow? My chinchilla is getting more yellow every day. I clen the shelves with vinigar water, and change there fleece liner every other day. I started this hoping it would stop, but it is getting worse. It is all over her underside, and her sides now. She cant bath due to birth, and now has no shelves, but it doesnt seem to stop her turning yellow. Please help me get my beige, beige again!!
Use K.D. pine chips! Certainly won't hurt the chins and is much more absorbant!
That's not healthy for the kits either - nursing off a urine soaked Mom!!
I got 2 chins with white, a standard and a beige. My standard boy is not yellow at all on his bum, his fur is really short. But my beige female has much longer fur and no matter how often I clean, it's still always a bit yellowish. And I got no bedding, only a litter in a corner. Some chins are just more messy too I guess.
I was told to wait 10 day after birth for both bathing and putting back with the male to prevent infection and pregnancy.

If others could help me with this too, that would be great! How long do you wait after birth to bath your chinchilla??