How do you check for a fur ring?

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I have two males, and I have looked down there but never seen anything because its always all the way up. Is there...uhhh...something I need to do to get it to like, come out?

I know I see my older male (little over a year) cleaning himself quite often, but my younger one (about 8 weeks old)

I dont want to do it the wrong way and stress them out, but I also want to make sure they are all good down there.

So how exactly do you go about it?
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Oh wow! Thank you for that link, that explains everything! lol.
You just need to get in there and go for it..once you know how to do it, it's quite simple :))
yeah I...figured it out? mostly from that video which was very helpful

Checked both the squirmy boys and they were both good :)