How do I get Ryerson Supplement?

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I read through the threads on here and everyone seems to agree that Ryerson supplement is the best to use but when I try and go to the website the link is broken:( Anyone know how to get Ryerson Supplement. And how do you feed the supplement. Thanks in advance
Their email is [email protected]. Ryerson's feed 1 teaspoon a day, but you don't need to give that much if you don't want to. Some people only give it a couple times a week.
I feed 1/4 tsp. a day.I feed it at a different time than the regular feeding time usually in the morning.Also feed it in something different than the feeder,this way your chin won't dig through the feed.If you have any questions I would ask Jan & Rich.Also check out their website "Ryersons Chinchilla"