How do i get Hayley to run on her wheel?!

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Well, i got her this wheel and i've tried puting her inside it, luring her, but nothing seems to work :( help!

PS: Hi, Piojillo, i'm new
PSS:Also, She's not yet very social, any tips on making her accustomed to me?
to get her to social lize with you try putting an old sweater or something with your scent on it in the cage. (that's what people have told me).
handle her as often as possible and don't give up you might have a grumpy hog for a long time good luck
She should figure out the wheel on her own eventually. What type of wheel is it? How long have you had it in the cage with her? My little girl uses a bucket wheel, but her previous owner had her a different mesh style wheel. It took her exactly 48 hours to figure out her new wheel, but now she uses it each night. Your hedgie may just need time to explore and get used to the new wheel in her cage before she will be brave enough to climb up and try it.
Just give her time, she'll probably get curious about it and hop on eventually. Shadow was the exact same way when I bought him his flying saucer, but now he really loves it. :)