Well - I came up with this name about 6 years ago. I'm into mythology and if anyone knows anything about mythology, there are characters called furies (plural for fury). They were winged evil little goddesses with serpentine hair, 3 of them called Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. So.. I came up with threewingedfury because I'm a spiteful little goddess full of rage and I've always thought I had beautiful hair. If you look up the definition of fury you will find:
1. Violent anger; rage.
2. Violent, uncontrolled action; turbulence.
3. Furies Greek & Roman Mythology The three terrible winged goddesses with serpentine hair, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who pursue and punish doers of unavenged crimes.
4. A woman regarded as angry or spiteful.