how did you come up with your sign in name?

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
I was curious. We all have our sign in names in this forum and some names are pretty unique. The story behind my name is that it is my name. Some of your names are harder to figure out. What is the story behind your forum name - is it your chin/hedgie pet or something else that inspired what you chose to be your sign in name?
Mine's my nick name and my birthday. Not too hard to figure out. With the new forum I was going to go with chibisan which I have used on other forums, but thought I'd make it easier for people to recognize me with the same name as on cnq. Chibisan would be for my chin Chibi with a Japanese san on the end :)
Mine's my nickname. A friend in highschool came up with it and it stuck. My fiance calls me Gella, and never by my given name, and a few close friends do too. I figured it was unique enough for a forum name too :).
I am addictedtoferrets on my ferret forum because when I decided I wanted another ferret I kept cruising around all the pet stores and checking the papers obsessively looking for what I wanted. I've never been a user but it was pointed out to me that I was acting like one when it came to ferrets. I am addicted to chins just as much.
I am an artist ..and I have always been a big fan of cats. Some of my artwork is oriented toward other cat lovers ...and my late, Aneesa, was a great inspiring force in some of the pieces.. a "muse", if you will ....and she was a typical diva cat, so I was often her muse, too! :winkers:
It's one of my nicknames. It used to be Ziezie back on CnQ, but people just shortened it to Zie since then. Lol.
Waaay back in the days of AOL I joined the IM craze. At the time I was a pole vaulter on the track team at my high school. My name is Tia. Tiatrack comes from that, and since I'm too lazy to remember multiple user names, I use it for everything.
Mine was the name of a horse I had on an online game called Horseland, many years ago, way before the TV show came out. I use it and several other names online, depending on what kind of forum it is.
I owned 3 chinchilla's at the time when I joined CnQ two and a half years ago and decided to keep it when I joined here.
My very first forum was a dachshund forum, and I had no idea what a forum was...or even if I'd like it. So, for kicks I signed up as Cocoa and Me, and Cocoa is my first dachshund, now I have Mousse as well. So when I found CnQ I decided I'd stick to my method and put "<animal's name> and me". lol And Cinder is my one and only chinchilla :D. When CnQ went down, I decided to just use the same name for CnH.
Mine's my nickname. I used to work at a barn and the barn owner's 2 year old was tryin to say my name. We told her to say "Sh- ann- on" and she instead said "Ann-Shh" and from that point on they called me AnnShh. Left the barn a couple years ago and am not on good terms with the barn owner but I kept the nickname anyway.

My CNQ name was outsiders_girl... outsiders because I LOVED the book and movie The Outsiders, and well, I"m a girl haha.
Mine's my nickname. I used to work at a barn and the barn owner's 2 year old was tryin to say my name. We told her to say "Sh- ann- on" and she instead said "Ann-Shh" and from that point on they called me AnnShh. Left the barn a couple years ago and am not on good terms with the barn owner but I kept the nickname anyway.

My CNQ name was outsiders_girl... outsiders because I LOVED the book and movie The Outsiders, and well, I"m a girl haha.

Ohhh, you're outsiders_girl! lol

Perhaps we should have a thread of what you changed your name to from CnQ to CnH. Not sure if it matters...:crazy:
We call my son Bubba, any time he would get into trouble when my daughter was little she would ask "Bubba do?" with the O in do drawn out like in boo. I just added the first number that popped into my head.
mine is pretty lame,... its my online nickname for gameing... haha i am not to creative..
Well - I came up with this name about 6 years ago. I'm into mythology and if anyone knows anything about mythology, there are characters called furies (plural for fury). They were winged evil little goddesses with serpentine hair, 3 of them called Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. So.. I came up with threewingedfury because I'm a spiteful little goddess full of rage and I've always thought I had beautiful hair. If you look up the definition of fury you will find:

1. Violent anger; rage.
2. Violent, uncontrolled action; turbulence.
3. Furies Greek & Roman Mythology The three terrible winged goddesses with serpentine hair, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who pursue and punish doers of unavenged crimes.
4. A woman regarded as angry or spiteful.