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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Hey, it's been a while since anything serious has been up with Furby. He's lost weight. Not a lot, but more than the usual fluctuation I've noticed. He's puny, his highest weight was around 450 g but he was about the size and girth of a softball. Now he just looks skinnier. And feels skinnier. And weighs less. I've got critical care on hand and have already given him about 80 ccs since I've noticed this yesterday. He's still eating well (well for him anyway)

Okay next thing. Waldo. He's never really had anything wrong with him but randomly, just now he made this really weird sound. It wasn't a bark it was really high pitched and kind of just one.. drawn out squeak/bark thing. I picked him up and he was crawling on my shoulder nibbling at my earrings and I could hear him breathing when he was right by my ear. It wasn't a dramatic wheeze and I was restraining him from leaping everywhere. I'm going to call the vet about him too and get him checked out, mostly because I've never heard them breathing before. I live in a humid area and my dehumidifier kind of janks out every now and then and Furby came down with a nasty URI a year ago... Anyway, my question is could he be making this sound due to trying to run away and being held down? it was really really quiet and I don't hear it when he's just chewing my earring through the bars of his cage unrestrained. Regardless I'm taking him in asap but wanted to ease my mind.

And just because I'm already going two for three, Ralphy's dry skin keeps clearing up and coming back. I have never seen an animal look as miserable taking medicine as Ralphy looks when he takes his omega 3. Those things reek too, anyone have any ideas how to deal with this with a less troublesome medicine? Flax seed helps but some really rough areas aren't going away.
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