Holiday chins?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2009
Newton, MA
We are of course looking for more chinchilla nominations over at Pet of the day, and I bet some of you have holiday themed pictures - any chinchillas with Santa hats? Eating wreaths? Do chinchillas like to eat evergreens, are they safe? My rabbit (now at the Rainbow Bridge) used to eat several select branches off the Christmas tree every year!

We'd love to see your holiday pictures, and hear about you chinnies! :)

Of course:
Okay - I don't own a chinchilla right now. I was surprised that my house rabbit thought the tree was a rabbit chew toy, she never seemed to suffer any ill effects, no runny poop or anything, so we just left the bottom 1/3 of the tree bare of lights and inedible decorations.