His name is Loki

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I'm a hedgie mom once again! For those of you that know, Sonic, my beautiful albino baby boy passed on in December. I still miss him everyday and probably always will. Well, now I have the pleasure of having another baby boy, his name Loki. This time round, i'm finding it abit....different haha. I had bought Sonic when he was an adult, litter trained, had gone through quilling already, loved mealworms. Now with Loki, he's got LOADS of energy, he's qulling like crazy ( Has a great temperment thought) doesn't like mealworms as far as I can tell, and doesn't just yet have the hang of a litter box. So, any advice for a once again mom? It will be much appreciated. Thanks ;);)
Enjo your little one!

I know nothing about hedgies... what is "qulling"? Congratulations on your new addition!

Quilling is when a hedgehog loses their quills like a child with their baby teeth. Its itchy for them and somewhat painful. Their skin can be soothed with a warm oatmeal bath but not completely comfortable. It normally happens at around 8 weeks if Im not mistaken. Then again at about a year old. A lot of them from waht I understand dont go through the 1 year.. Or they go through it a little early around 10-11 months. And sometimes they can have a personality change due to the quilling. Its actually very interesting to see small quills poking though the skin.

Im at work so its hard for me to remember everything about quilling... Did i forget anything anyone?
Congrats! We really like pics. Some of us have found that if you retry mealies again in a few weeks, they'll change their minds. I've had a few who have been petrified of them until they caught the scent, saw the squirm and instinctively stuck out their tongue. Now they're addicts :)