High pitched cough?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
Pottstown, PA
Emmy(5 months old) made a high pitched cough sound today after I finished cleaning her cage..any idea what this could mean? She only did it once so I don't know what to make of it. It didn't sound like any of the sounds from that chinchilla sound website.

I'm worried and hoping that it's not a URI...I'm going to call the vet tomorrow to make an appointment but any opinions until I can get in with them would be appreciated.
My thought is it could have been a sneeze? My chins sneeze occasionally, usually after dusting. I would only worry or bother with a vet visit if the noises are repetative, or you see any nasal discharge, lethargy, etc.
That is probably what it is! All the chins had just had their dust baths so it was probably a sneeze. They're all acting normal and theres no discharge or anything out of the ordinary. I already made a vet appt so do you think I should cancel it?
It only happened the one time and it sounded like a high pitched scoff lol I don't know any other way to describe it.
Maybe she had something stuck in her throat and managed to get it out. As long as she isn't continually doing it, I would cancel the appointment.