Hi there from Indiana!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Jul 16, 2012
Goodland, Indiana
Hello there! I am Brittany. My username, for you overly curious, stands for Avani, Molly, and Brooklyn. These are the names of my dogs, two german shepherd mixes and one purebred german shepherd. I also have a rat named Peppie, 3 platys, 3 african dwarf frogs, 1 dragonfish, and a ghost shrimp. Last but certainly not least I have Charm, my chinchilla. I got her a week ago today (as of august 3rd) when she was 12 weeks old. I am not sure of her color although her mom is ebony. Apparently the previous owners have never seen the dad since they got mom in March and she ended up being pregnant.

I'm 21 years old and married. We have not been blessed with a human child so instead we give all of our love to our furrier (and scalier) babies. We have been married since 2009.

We are quite boring actually.

Anyways, I love meeting new people with similar interests. I also love asking and answering questions so don't hesitate to get to know me!
:wave: Hello and a warm welcome to the forum.

I love GSDs - I grew up with them ..... can we have a piccy or two please? ;)
Hello everybody :) thank you for the warm greetings!

I will attach some pictures tomorrow hopefully. I couldn't sleep so right now I'm just on my phone :p