Hi! Quick Question :)

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Chelsea Ohhh
Oct 1, 2012
Hi everyone, I'm Chelsea. I'm a first time chin owner to beautiful one year old female, Tinkerbell. I've had her for a little over six months now and I'm absolutely obsessed with her. I've been been using this site for advice and information for a while now, and it finally occurred to me to just register already, so here we are. :)

I just wanted to introduce myself first, but I actually have a question as well. I've been searching everywhere for an answer to no avail, so I'm hoping some of you chin experts can help me out! When i was thinking about getting a chinchilla about a year ago I was doing research on them so I would know how to properly take care of them and I vaguely remember seeing something that said if a chinchilla has un-groomed clumps of fur on the back of their thighs, it could be a symptom of an underlying tooth disorder. I just recently noticed some un-groomed clumps of fur on the back of my girl and got a little worried, but I can't find the site again. She is still eating normally and acting fine, and I really don't want to stress her out by taking her to the vet unnecessarily. Do you think she may just be shedding? Or has anyone else experienced something like this?

Any advice/information is appreciated! Thanks! :)
I can't give you a knowledgeable answer, but if Tinkerbell has no other issues and seems healthy, I would not take her to the vet. I'm not sure why she would have clumps of hair. Does she get weekly dust baths? I think clumps can happen and there are combs that can be used to work on the clumps. But again, I've never had an issue with this so wait for someone more knowledgeable to chime in.

I want to welcome you to the forum and I have a mosaic chin who is also named Tinkerbell!
Aww, well i obviously love your taste in names and thanks for the welcome and the input!

She gets a dust bath every other day so I don't think that could be the problem. They're not like big clumps of fur or anything; they just kind of look like a few tiny patches are loose or something, but when I tried combing them they didn't come out. So maybe she's just shedding? I don't know, it's my first time owning a chin so I'm really paranoid about everything! haha
Not something I have ever noticed or heard of but I will have to watch to see if there is something to it.
My chin with teeth problems gets matted fur on his thighs because he is a lazy groomer. it didn't start until he developed his teeth issues. He also shows other symptoms, though, and goes to the vet for filings every few months. As long as she is eating and acting normally, I would not jump to the conclusion of teeth problems just because of fur tufts. Some chins are just lazy groomers or may be priming and gets these clumps of fur occasionally.
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If you are concerned about teeth at all, start weighing your chin weekly on a gram scale, the very first sign there is a problem is slow gradual weight loss, this shows up most often prior to any other symptoms.

The only chins I have that get mats around that area or rump are the ones that have the longer type of fur and I think it mats easier. They do not have teeth, weight or any other health issues.
Thank you everyone so much! I'm definitely panicking a lot less now.. I also called my vet just to be safe, and he said it sounds like she's just shedding but to keep an eye on it.

I'm also going to buy a gram scale this week just to be safe.. does anyone know a good place to buy one?

I bought my gram scale from my work, at an Archery supply store. (They are used here for weighing arrows and what not) But I did see a picture that someone posted on here of her weighing her chin, and the scale said Office Depot on it. I don't know what it would've cost when she bought it there, but maybe you could try there! Mine was around $17
I buy my gram scales at wal*mart in the kitchen supplies. I believe I paid about 20$ WELCOME!
welcome to the forum! :wave3:

by chance is your chin a black velvet? my Guss is, and he gets the occasional clump/small mat on his hip region. my theory is the fur is finer, so matts up easier, even though he is not a lazy groomer at all, and has his cagemate to help him out too.