Hi My name is Nick

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chinny Pal
May 14, 2011
Hesperia ca
As you see my name is Nick and I just picked up my new Chinny Friend her name is Evie. What should I know besides the pet store basics she keeps either making the fear or are you there sound but I keep talking to her to help her relax
Hi Nick. I have no advice for your problem (hedgehog person), but you may also want to post a message in the chinchilla new owners section. It may get quicker attention than in the intro.

Welcome to the forum!
Hello & Welcome!

Start with the FAQs in the chinchilla section. Often times we find that pet stores do not give the best advice/instructions.
Welcome Nick and Evie!!!

There is lots more to know than what the pet store told you. So just read, read, read!!! Everyone here is super helpful, so if you can't find the answer to a question, don't hesitate to ask!
Welcome Nick and your new best friend Evie.
we would all love to see pictures
as far as the noise it just takes time she will learn the noises of the house and calm down

this is her while Im talking to her and building the cage
Welcome! The best way to start off with a new chin is to just talk to her quietly and be very calm and patient. Don't pick her up just yet if you don't have to. You can place your hand inside of the cage and let it sit still while she gets used to your scent. It's a very long process but believe me it is worth it!
Thank you Im starting to think her and my mom will have a Love hate relationship my mom keeps calling her a rat and went up to her cage to say hi and was like Wow your a big rat and Evie started making her back off sound ha ha
Welcome Nick. Evie is adorable! Give her some time to get used to you and her new environment. Time and patience are the key. Usually petstores don't offer the correct information on caring for a chin, so read through here and learn what you can on food, treats, housing, etc. If you still have questions, please ask away!