Hi! I'm Dar

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Sep 23, 2012
Newport News, VA
Hello! My name is Dar, and I am from Newport News, VA. I got into chinchillas last November when I first saw them in a local chain pet store. My husband, in all of his intelligence, wanted me to go home and research them to learn as much as could prior to owning them. About 6 months later, I was ready and met up with a local rescue.

We had only sought out to get a pair of them, and easily were talked into getting four. Avalance, Andes Mint, Butters and Pikachu. They were from a mass rescue from backyard breeding. They weren't in the best shape, but their personalities had me hooked. All four are standard.

Sadly, we lost Pikachu in July.

In mid-October, I will be getting 3 additional chins. A beige, mosaic, and a standard. I'm very much looking forward to when they can come home with me.

I currently work at a local shipyard as Production Control, as well as having a side photography business.

I've been married for 2 years to my husband Chris. He puts up with my chinchilla craziness.

We both go to school full time as well. I am going for Business Management, while he is going for Computer Science/Engineering. So to say the least we are always extremely busy.

I am looking forward to being on another forum besides just the ones I am on now, to get different opinions as well as hear about other chinchillas. I never knew how big the chinchilla community was.
:welcome6: to the forum!
If you get a chance, please post pictures of your chinnies ;) I love their names!
Sorry to hear you lost Pikachu.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome....hi Shawn :)

I will get to posting pictures this afternoon. Unfortunately I am headed to work right now.

The boys made it difficult to leave this morning. For some reason everyone has the mommy bug and wants to be cuddled. Avalanche let me hold him for 15 minutes last night carrying him around the house during their playtime. Weirdo. But he made cute little chirping sounds. Which this all seemed to spread through the cage because everyone made it difficult to leave this morning.

But this is why I love them. I got very lucky with the personalities of my boys considering their background. The babies seem to be just as sweet.

Hope everyone has a.great day!!!
The long awaited pictures.

This is Mr. Butters


Here is Andes Mint from the day I first got him.

This is Avalanche; this picture was right after he started to recover from the parasite that all 3 boys had. They have all put back on a quite a bit of weight. I have to get new pictures uploaded of them.

This is Caramel (baby that isn't home yet)
Here are the other two boys...did not realize I was limited to five pictures.

This is Royal only a week old (baby that isn't home yet)

And this is the standard pedigree baby (we haven't named him just yet) We are thinking Pepper, but are not completely sure.