Hi From Nova Scotia, Canada

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well today I adopted 2 chinchillas from the SPCA. I'm googling like a mad woman and found this forum so whew! I'm sure it's going to be a learning curve and I'm up for it so let the fun begin.
I have them in a 4 level ferret cage. I don't know how old they are. One is an adult male and the other is his baby boy (the size of a hamster right now).
I've ordered a flying saucer for them so hopefully that will be here soon. I look forward to any help I can get :)
Welcome. :)

You might want to check the sexes of those chins. If you've got a chin the size of a hamster, then I'd guess you've got a mom and a kit.
I have a dad and baby. Both have didoe's :thumbsup:

That's not a really accurate way to tell the sex of a chin, considering that females have something called a "urethral cone" that (to an inexperienced eye) can look an awful lot like a penis.

To properly sex your chinnies, you would take them by the base of the tail and gently lift them up so that their back feet are dangling off the ground - but their front feet are on the floor. This allows you to check out their bits.

Here's a good site with pictures of male and female chinnie bits.

Also, I agree with Tunes, if the baby is the size of a hamster, that definitely sounds like a kit to me.
Hi and congratulations on your chin additions! There is a bit of a learning curve, but they really can be easy to care for, and can have quite the little personalities. Do you have pics to share? ;)
First welcome

And agreed with everyone else. it sounds liek you got a mom and a kit too . but look at the sexes of them to make sure their not male and female casue if the baby is a female y and the adult one if male about think 5 or 6 months of age you'll have more baby chins. other than that it's fun ride raising chins. i love mine and i have three girls. got mine from a breeder. read as much as you can on them and never never stop learing about them ... again welceom and enjoy yourself on here and send pic's when you can !!!! do you have names of them?
Congratulations on your new additions!! Welcome.It speaks alot of you as a chin owner to be seeking more information and support on caring for these wonderful little fuzzbutts!There is so much wrong/outdated information around,these forums really help. Plus having chis for pets is a good bit different from having chins for other reasons.Great to see you found us!!:)
That's not a really accurate way to tell the sex of a chin, considering that females have something called a "urethral cone" that (to an inexperienced eye) can look an awful lot like a penis.

To properly sex your chinnies, you would take them by the base of the tail and gently lift them up so that their back feet are dangling off the ground - but their front feet are on the floor. This allows you to check out their bits.

Here's a good site with pictures of male and female chinnie bits.

Also, I agree with Tunes, if the baby is the size of a hamster, that definitely sounds like a kit to me.

There is a space :) I was just making light. I definitely have the dad and baby. There were 5 chins seized so I took the two males

**I haven't named them yet. I'm waiting for them to "pick" their own names. I'd like to know them a bit before I name them. I run the Lab Rescue in Nova Scotia so the small animal thing is very new for me. I haven't introduced my labs yet so any advice on that would be appreciated.

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