Hi,can anyone help please?

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pet mad

Hi,my chinchilla stopped eating and pooing last week and after an xray and blood tests she was diagnosed with an acute infection and is having baytril and a gut moving medicine.Anyway i have been feeding her critical care four times a day and she is pooing ok although she still does not seem her usual self and will not eat anything apart from a few nibbles.I was wondering whether perhaps i should cut back a bit on the cc so she may start eating a bit more or maybe the medicine has affected her appetite.Any advice greatly appreciated,thanks x
Hi, and welcome! I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with your girl, but you've definitely taken the right steps toward her recovery. Oral Baytril is known to decrease (or completely eliminate) appetite, so it's not surprising that she's not eating on her own. If it were me, I'd keep her on the CC until the course of Baytril is done, and then work on weaning her off of the CC. Good luck!
Sometimes it can take a few weeks of hand feeding after a round or two of oral baytril is over before the chin will eat on it's own again. I would not rush it. I will not use oral baytril for this reason. I always use injectable because it doesn't have the same affect BUT you have to be very careful that injectable baytril is diluted so it doesn't cause skin ulcers.
Thankyou,she does seem to pick up an odd piece of food then she bites it and drops it,she has just had teeth xrays which showed slightly enlongated roots but the vet said they were not a prob so i really hope its just a side effect of the baytril !
I wonder if the slightly elongated roots will be an isse down the road. What kind of infection does she have? Did they vet recommend keeping an eye on the root growth to rule out malo?
He didnt say what sort of infection just that it was acute infection,they did xrays and blood test and the bill was £300! I am going to take her back on mon if she is still not eating.She is having about six teaspoons of cc four times a day ,is that ok?
I wonder if the slightly elongated roots will be an isse down the road. What kind of infection does she have? Did they vet recommend keeping an eye on the root growth to rule out malo?

Any enlogation of the roots is malo :(
We may have a bit of a breakthrough,she ate for a good few minutes out of her dish before and has also been eating a bit of hay,should i carry on with the cc or see if she will eat on her own now?thanks
If she is starting to eat on her own then slowly wean her off. Look at her stool size. That's another good indicator what her appetite is like.

When feeding her you should also massage her belly in circular motions then motions going length wise down her belly. Gently but firmly. Do not stop feeding her until you are sure she is eating on her own and watch closely to be sure she continues pooping regularly. Another thing you will need to be sure of is that she is drinking water water intake when handfeeding a chinchilla is critical
She is loads better now,munching away and has had a drink so i think she is over the worst,I really appreciate all the replys,after the amount of people that dont understand and just told me to get her pts its really nice to find people that also care,thankyou x