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Pumpkin and Leon's Mom
Feb 10, 2012
Hi everyone ,:wave5:
My Name is Mary and Im a new Chinchilla owner. I absolutely LOVE my chinnie her name is Valentine <3 I had a chinchilla a few years back named Lily but she passed away :( Im married to my high school sweetheart ,weve been together for 9 years <3 Im 23 .... and Im really happy to be apart of Chins and Hedgies !
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone ! Here are some photos of Valentine <3
(Excuse my crappy cage My father in law in currently building me one so shes in a chinchilla starter home for now.)




Thanks , I've only had her for 2 weeks do you guys think it would be horrible to change her name because my husband kinda quickly picked her name and I agreed but I really want to name her pumpkin <3
Hi Mary! We got a chinchilla when he was 6 years old and I changed his name without batting an eye! If you want to call her Pumpkin you go right ahead!
Thanks guys I did officially change her name to pumpkin it bruised my husbands ego a bit ( because he picked her original name) but I think pumpkin is a much better fit <3