Hey from Central PA!

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
Good day everyone, my name is Ash. I live in Central PA (about 20 minutes out of Harrisburg) and I recently got my first chinchilla, a 3 year old female named Tia. She was kept by a retiring couple who didn't have time for her anymore, so they sold her via Craigslist for $100. I later learned that they know next to nothing about chins and they didn't handle her much or give her any attention, either. :(

In any case, I have completely fallen in love with Tia and she has really come out of her furry shell within only a week. She thinks she's a princess. :) I did learn yesterday at the vet that she has a broken pelvis, so I have to make sure she doesn't over exert herself or jump too much/too far.

Anyway... I'm on the Chinchillas Unlimited forum and RatForum.com under the same name as here... I've had rats/guinea pigs/dogs/cats/mice, but Tia is my first chin.

So... hi everyone! (I get long winded sometimes...)
Hello and :welcome6:to the forum!
I hope your princess Tia gets well soon.
Welcome Ash and Tia. :)

I'm so sorry to hear about Tia's injury. What a sad thing to have to deal with, with your first chin. Do you know how it happened? Did the vet suggest to you to keep her in a very small carrier to completely restrict movement for 6 weeks until it heals? Was he able to provide you with Metacam for pain relief?
Thank you all for your kind words. ^^

Welcome Ash and Tia. :)

I'm so sorry to hear about Tia's injury. What a sad thing to have to deal with, with your first chin. Do you know how it happened? Did the vet suggest to you to keep her in a very small carrier to completely restrict movement for 6 weeks until it heals? Was he able to provide you with Metacam for pain relief?

I do not know how it happened, I just called her previous owner to ask if anything had happened to her and he said "Well, we never took her out, so I don't know." How sad... :(

The vet did not suggest keeping her in a small carrier. He said that it could be either a very old fracture (because it hasn't recalcified, it's possible that the bone ends were too far away to reknit) or very recent (hasn't had time to recalcify).

Before the x-rays, he rotated both of her back legs to see what was up with them and his initial diagnosis was possible arthritis, and he asked me if I wanted to go through x-rays. He said that she did not seem to be in any pain, as she did not make the pain squeals or bite him when he was handling her.

He told me to just keep her comfortable and make sure everything in her cage is soft...
Hi Ash, glad to see you made it over here. Peggy has echoed what I said on CU to keep her in a small, confined area to see if her pelvis will knit together.
Hi and welcome! Congrats on your first chinchilla, but I'm so sorry she comes to you with an injury. It sounds like she will be better taken care of now, and it's good her former owners decided to rehome her. Good luck with her healing, and have fun with her. They are wonderful animals!
Oh yeah, Ash & Doly? I'm around the Carlisle area, kinda out of it, but near enough. Where are you guys from, if I may ask?

I'm pretty close to you, i'm in the Mechanicsburg area and i'm actually in the Carlisle area often. The fiance has a lot of friends in Carlisle.

Hope Tia gets better soon!