here are pics!! jazzy's last!!

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shes very photogenic!




Very cute! Also, just wanted to mention that when you have her out, it should be in a chin-safe area, like the bathroom or a blocked off area of the room so she won't get herself in trouble (like with the cords, for example)
she is absolutely gorgeous!!!! congrats!!! she is definitely photogenic!!!
yeah, we just took her out for the pictures. when they come out of the cage for playtime, we always watch them and stay near so they dont cause problems for anyone or themselves.
Uhoh to that electric cord...Chins will chew anything and everything. They like to test out EVERYTHING with their teeth. And if she hasn't tried that cord yet - she will.

She is a GORGEOUS wee chinnie! Even watching them during playtime wouldn't stop them - you know how fast they are!
She is SO sweet looking too.