Herby Chin and the ER visit

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
Well,Herby the Chin, is doing very well today after an emergency trip to the vet last night. We noticed yesterday morning that he was not pooping or peeing and that he had not eaten any of the food we had given him. After feeding him some apple juice and some Mylicon ( he a bit gassy ) we noticed that he was getting very lethargic and decided not to wait until today to take him to the vet and rushed him to the exotic pet ER. Upon arriving, the vet told us that he had some dental issues and that he was constipated and was going to have to stay overnight, at the very least. But that she was glad we had not waited to bring him in, because he was going down hill fast.

We got a call from the vet this morning, and they said he was doing well with the syringe feedings and that he was grumpy at being disturbed after his noon treatment but that he was also pooping ( though not all the way back to normal )They did the radiographs this morning and now we are just waiting for them to call and let us know what is going on with Herby.
Hopefully, he is going to be okay and we will be able to bring him home tomorrow!
Aww poor Herby! I'm waiting for my little buddy to come home tomorrow. Sounds like you got him in a lot sooner than I knew too. I'll never make the mistake of waiting with my guys again. Hope Herby is doing better!
Herby came home today! YAY! The xrays came back negative for malocclusion, but positive for spikes. The vet also thinks she may have a UTI or some infection going on with her reproductive system. They have her on antibiotics and Critical Care along with some pain meds. But she is eating very well when we hand feed her and I got her to eat some pellets after I soaked them in warm water. and she is almost back to normal with her poop, so that is very good! I just had her out in the bathroom and she was just running and jumping everywhere!
They filed them down a few days after we brought her to the er vets, but her mouth is still a little sore because the point had ulcerated her cheeks. Ive had ulcers before related to tooth problems and they hurt so I can only imagine how painful it is for chins..