Her favorite part of the day!!! :)

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
Pinconning, MI
Milos favorite part of the day is cuddlin up behind me in my blanket and falling asleep, While I check everything online for one last time :)


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she loves to cuddle! And shes in love with my dog Mya! Mya lets Milo cuddle up to her and everything! Everytime I go to get a picture Milo moves. :)
Not to put a damper on anything, but is Milo doing well? She does not look at all well in those pictures. If this is her normal behavior and she flops around like that, that's fine, but she looks like a rat I had that had an ear infection and ended up with permanent neurologic damage.
Milo is well, Shes not falling over when she runs anymore, not seizing, or circling :) She was laying like that while she was sleeping, thats how she would lay before the ear problem too. The vet checked her all over last time she was in last week, and looked at the inside of her ear and everything. He said that she was healthy and the ear problem and ulcer on her eye had resolved.
You let her sleep with your pit bull? I agree, the chin does not look normal in any of those photos, especially #2, she looks like Guido did during his seizure, she does not look asleep, she looks confused or out of it.
No, I don't let her sleep with my pit bull, She likes to cuddle up to her. Well, this is how she was acting before the ear infection.

And she was asleep until I took a picture of her, and didn't relize it was on flash.
If anything was wrong with her, I would be taking her to the vets.
No matter how gentle your dog is, it is a predator animal and should not be allowed in the room when Milo is out. We've heard too many stories of someone's "gentle" dog that killed their chins. Please keep them separate from now on or you will end up with a dead chinchilla.

The second picture does look like she is seizuring. They typically do not stretch their arms out like that unless in a standing position and it is usually accompanied by a yawn. I've never seen a chinchilla that looked like Milo in that second picture that was not seizuring. Her ears also appear very red in the last pictures. Please make sure you do not have her out for too long. With all the problems she's had, she should not be having extended playtimes.
I agree with Peggy and Tabitha, she does not look right in those pictures. #2 definitely looks like signs of seizing. Along with your previous post in a different thread about her not wanting to jump anymore, it sounds like she may have some damage or ongoing problems going on.

My dog is scared of flies and the biggest baby but there is no way I would let him out with my chins. He goes in the bedroom when any of them are out.