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Mar 17, 2014
My chinchillas ears randomly get really red and I do not know why? The room is really cold, air condition on high at all times, what could be wrong?

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My Rosey's ears get red if she's been running around a lot at playtime, or when she's been sleeping on her side with one ear tucked under. They return to normal after a short while though.

Isn't this just how chins regulate their body heat? So long as they're not red for a long time, and the room is at a suitable temp, then I would have thought that everything would be okay. You have a thermometer in the room?
Mine gets red when she is out of playtime after a while of her going bonkers running and popcorning all over the place. We just put her back hom and she will usually go lay on her chiller.
She's beige. And the room is about 65 degrees. It's not really after she's playing, just randomly. It goes away after like 10 seconds. She doesn't even use her chinchiller, it's as if it's too cold for her

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Beige and P/w chin just get red ears, I don't know if its because their skin is pink and the veins and skin show up more or they just have more blood vessels in the ears, but its not usually because they are hot.