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New member
Sep 28, 2013
Hello, some advice or reassurance required. Was just going to bed and popped in to see my chinchilla and she was eating. She was absolutely fine and happy-if i squeak to her she squeaks back and has a tickle.

I was sat watching her and she suddenly turned away and laid to her side really still. I called her over and she never moved. So i opened the cage and she struggled to turn around and she looked like she was so still she wasnt breathing. Ive known her choke a bit before on her food and thought shed got something stuck so I picked her out the cage and opened her mouth with my finger (usually she opens it straight away to nibble your finger). She then laid in my arms. I was so worried i laid her back on one of the big shelves-i didnt want to stress her out by holding her and she scrabbled around on her side like she was having a fit and tried to get out of the cage straight back into my arms. So i just held her-i didnt know what to do i thought she was going to die. Then she started to come around a bit and nibbled by top but one side of her body wasnt right-her face looked funny one side and her ear was flat and her paw was up.

I put her back in the cage on the shelf again and she perked up after about a minute and was looking around her food bowl as if nothing had happened and had a drink. Shes also jumped between shelves and seems fine and is squeaking back to me again.

Is this normal?! Ive just been frantically looking online and theres stuff about calcium deficiency but she has a calcium stick chew in her cage. Also read it could be blood sugar related? Shes had chinchilla fruit salad bits mixed into. Her leaf mix-maybe it was the sugar?! (Ive just taken that out the cage and left her with the pellets now). Also the rooms not warm but opened the window to get some air in just in case.

Just seen an horrendous video on you tube of a poor chin having a seizure which was caused by inclusion?! Im so worried it is that...i will be taking her to the vet first thing monday morning to see if they will xray her and see. I feel sick-anybody else have any thoughts on this?! Im not sure if it is her teeth or not?! She always lets me tickle her jaw and cheek and look at her front teeth (i know you cant see the back teeth-but surely if it was painful she would have shown some sign of pain touching around there?!!

Any thoughts really appreciated.

Oh and i have had her 4 years-she was someone elses unwanted pet from a pet shop and she does not live with any other chins.

Another thing to mention is that she ate some plant leaves the other day-usually put the plants on the kitchen table whilst she is out but they got forgotten 2days ago.