hi everyone...im so happy that this site is back...i bought a beautiful baby chinchilla from a petstore less than 2 months ago...i was told by the manager that he was a boy...(she picked him up, turned him over handed him to me and said "it's a boy")...at the time i didnt question it as i hadn't seen any pictures of male/female genitalia before....after looking at some pictures online I am unsure if my baby boy is in fact a baby boy... i know that the genitalia can appear very similar which is why there are so many cases where they are mis-sexed....i know that for males the penis is supposed to be separated from the anus whereas for females they are suppose to be close together...but i am wondering how close??...several weeks ago I tried to do a ring check...it was not very successful...he was very squirmy even though my boyfriend was also helping me hold him...I am worried to try again because I do not want to cause any damage or pain if he is actually a she...i took a few pictures...they are not very good but they are the best i could do at the time...i will try and post some more tomorrow...any help is appreciated...thanks