We've recently taken on a hedgie who was severely underweight, she weighed 221g when we got her and her sides were very sunken and the poor girl was struggling to stand let alone walk!
The previous owner stated that there had been a constant supply of biscuits available but that she had simply stopped eating - he had no idea of how long she'd not been eating however,so we took her straight to the vets who gave her a good check including her teeth and gums and apart from the fact that she was obviously underweight and dehydrated, could find nothing wrong with her.
Since then we've offered every type of biscuit we can think of and she's refused to touch any... we've even resorted to leaving 5 or 6 little pots with different brands counted into each but nothing! - She has though started to eat fresh meat... at first just pureed chicken breast, but now she's taking minced beef (again I have to puree it) with veggies as well and is slowly gaining weight, she's currently at 264g, I've tried being sneaky and adding ground biscuits to the meat, but she will then refuse to touch it!
My main problem now is that for the past 2 weeks, she's been losing quills and fur quite heavily, she's not scratching and doesn't have dry skin, she's been checked and treated for mites as a precaution and has had a scraping for ringworm that has come back clear - the quills still have their follicles intact and the vet has said that he believes that it's simply down to the fact that she was so malnourished previously and is reluctant to prescribe anything... but I'm unconvinced, has anyone else seen this before please or have any ideas?
And if I can't get her to eat biscuits once she's up to a decent weight, will she be ok on fresh food or should I try and add in a wet cat food as well?
Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!!
We've recently taken on a hedgie who was severely underweight, she weighed 221g when we got her and her sides were very sunken and the poor girl was struggling to stand let alone walk!
The previous owner stated that there had been a constant supply of biscuits available but that she had simply stopped eating - he had no idea of how long she'd not been eating however,so we took her straight to the vets who gave her a good check including her teeth and gums and apart from the fact that she was obviously underweight and dehydrated, could find nothing wrong with her.
Since then we've offered every type of biscuit we can think of and she's refused to touch any... we've even resorted to leaving 5 or 6 little pots with different brands counted into each but nothing! - She has though started to eat fresh meat... at first just pureed chicken breast, but now she's taking minced beef (again I have to puree it) with veggies as well and is slowly gaining weight, she's currently at 264g, I've tried being sneaky and adding ground biscuits to the meat, but she will then refuse to touch it!
My main problem now is that for the past 2 weeks, she's been losing quills and fur quite heavily, she's not scratching and doesn't have dry skin, she's been checked and treated for mites as a precaution and has had a scraping for ringworm that has come back clear - the quills still have their follicles intact and the vet has said that he believes that it's simply down to the fact that she was so malnourished previously and is reluctant to prescribe anything... but I'm unconvinced, has anyone else seen this before please or have any ideas?
And if I can't get her to eat biscuits once she's up to a decent weight, will she be ok on fresh food or should I try and add in a wet cat food as well?
Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!!