Help with mites

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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We have had a go with mites lately and can't get them under control. I'm using revolution on them and completely change, clean, and disinfect everything when I treat them. They are on cage liners, we did use shavings in their litter boxes, but have switched to paper. Does any have anymore suggestions? We have 2 hedgehogs, both females, they are in the same unit that is divided into two cages.
Poor girls! Sounds like you're doing a lot of work with the cleaning.

Are there any other things in which they come in contact that could be harboring the mites - carpeting? your clothes? stuffed animals? snuggle sacks?

I've been lucky enough not to have a mite problem (knock on wood), but have read about needing to wash everything in hot water... I'm guessing you're already doing that?