'No they're not bunnies'
I rescued a female chin from craigslist that was being bred back to back to back. The day I got her she was still with the male, so I figured she was pregnant again, and I was right. She gave birth to a beautiful little girl the day before thanksgiving. Now my question is, what is the 'technical' color of the baby. Momma is a standard and the male she was with was a darker color, I believe black velvet...
(Tried to get the best pictures, but she just would NOT stay still. I did manage to get a picture of her belly because I know thats important. And the last shot is just for fun! :neener
(Tried to get the best pictures, but she just would NOT stay still. I did manage to get a picture of her belly because I know thats important. And the last shot is just for fun! :neener