So the local radio station here has a program that runs that is "Christmas is for Kids" You sponsor a less fortunate child, and get them what they ask for for christmas. Most of them ask for simple things, like, clothes and shoes. I have a 10 year old girl, who asked for winter boots, clothes size 14 to 16, and a twilight book. Now, my question is, do I buy boots in the childrens section, or in the womens section? And do I buy the clothes in the kids section or in the juniors section? Size 14 seems small for a 10 year old in kids, but 14 in a junior seems big....It's not like I get to meet the girl, so I can't figure out "how big she is"....Also, do 10 year olds play with toys or anything like that? I can't remember being 10! lol. I'd like to make it a good christmas for her, but I don't want to get her clothes or boots that don't fit, or things that she won't enjoy....HELP! lol I don't remember being 10 years old at all! LOL.