My kids have 4 feety's
Recently I noticed Charger was really chewing at this one part in the middle of his back. His fur is not chewed but I checked him out under the coat anyway. He doesnt flinch when I touch the area but I did find what feels like a scab. It is white and crusty. In some spots it looks like its lifting from the skin almost like s scab that is far along. It is really dry to the touch. We have NO idea how he could have gotten this. They have nothing to poke or scrape them in playtime and it looks and feels nothing like a bite. The only thing we could thing is he is chewing his skin but then I thought his fur would be missing. I just want to make sure this isnt something emergency.
Maybe fungus? I have no experience with that.
Pictures attached
This is where his skin is lifted but the overall size is about a nickel size
This one is slightly to the left and is basically just a raised bumpy scab under the fur.
Thanks so much
Maybe fungus? I have no experience with that.
Pictures attached
This is where his skin is lifted but the overall size is about a nickel size
This one is slightly to the left and is basically just a raised bumpy scab under the fur.
Thanks so much