help w/ gift idea

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YAY! Ok to so I figured out a gift or two, or three ha ha. I gave him one early- a Garmin forerunner 205 fitness watch. I figured he could use it now since he's in full training mode so he got that one early and so far likes it :) Woo hoo.
I'm also having a portrait done of his daughter. Unfortunately I only have one picture of her and the artist is going to improvise a bit because it's not the greatest quality, but I'm crossing my fingers that it turns out ok. ANNNND we have this kind of weird ritual a few times a week of ice cream time now ha ha (just what he needs when he is training- but it was HIS idea lol). So I got him a special ice cream bowl :) He won't get the last two things for another month, but I'm excited to see if he likes it all.

Thanks so much for your help guys! I got some great ideas that I am going to keep stashed in the back of my head for anniversaries and christmas