Help, UTI?

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I think Hercules has a UTI. :( I noticed some blood in his urine. Is there any steps I can take to help him before I take him to a vet? and If I do take him to a vet how much money should I expect to spend? do you think he's in pain?
He could have a stone, and that's where the blood is coming from. If he does have a stone, I'm sure he's very uncomfortable and in pain. If it's a UTI, I doubt it's so much painful as a nagging ache, which sometimes feels worse.

I can't tell you how much you'll spend on a vet. It varies from vet to vet, and definitely in different parts of the country. I would assume that you would need several hundred dollars to get started, between diagnosing and meds, etc.

There's not a whole lot you can do right now, other than make sure he's eating and drinking, then get him into the vet as soon as possible tomorrow.

Poor guy. :(
Do they bleed when they have a UTI? or is it almost certain its a stone?
What does the urine look like? Just out of curiosity, does it look a little dark and reddish? Is he drinking water? Does he stretch a lot when he urinates?

I had a customer email me frantic about her chin having blood in his urine. It turns out that he was fine, the urine was just darker than normal. Some days a chin will have very light colored urine and other days it will be very dark even with the chins drinking the normal amounts and not having anything wrong with them.

I hope that your chinchilla is alright. You need to call around and see what you will be charged for an office visit and exam. If it is a simple UTI and all goes well, it would just be maybe $30 to $75 for the initial exam and maybe $20 to $30 for antibiotics. The cost of veterinary care has a giant range. Some vets are more expensive than others.
They can bleed for all sorts of reasons. Irritation on the penis or urethra can do it, passing a small stone, having a stone caught, an abrasion to the inside of the foreskin, etc etc etc. I wouldn't get too worried about it until the vet makes a diagnosis. You need to get a good night's sleep and get to the vet tomorrow... :)
It's a rust color, I haven't noticed him stretching. He has been peeing in random spots instead of his one usual spot if that helps. He seems to be drinking and eating the same.
Good point Susan about the urine being darker than normal.

Vera - You are aware that a chin's urine is orange-red normally, right? I was just assuming this was above and beyond the normal redness.
We spent $34 for an exam and $17 for a gram stain, $80 for a culture, and maybe $20 for Bactrim (we had it on hand so I'm guessing). The culture you could maybe do without, I just wanted to be sure.

As said, blood red urine with a touch of rusty color can be a normal color.
his urine is usually a light yellow color. do you still think i should take him to the vet if red orange is normal for them?
You should go to the vet if you are worried. If you feel in your gut that something is wrong, go because you don't want to be worried about your chin. Sometimes going to the vet just to told that the chin is just fine is the best thing.

However, what I would do is watch his urine for a day to see if it changes. It's really strange how the urine can change color from day to day. Stranger still, the urine can be light yellow for weeks and then one day it is that dark orangey-red color just once for one urination or just for a few hours.

It's all because of the amazing design that the kidneys have, they are very efficient and do not cause the chin to lose that much water in the urine. (So naturally there is less than there would be with other critters.) One day the chin isn't as hydrated and the urine ends up being darker.

Maybe in the morning his urine could end up being the same as it was before!
I hope that is the case! I just moved today, so I wonder if it could have something to do with that. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for your help guys.
OH YES! That is probably exactly what it is!! When a chin is moved to a new place he'll often not drink nearly as much as normal. I'm not sure why they are like this, but it is very common for chins to do this.

He probably didn't drink as much so his urine is darker and more concentrated. I don't know for 100% sure about him, but I am pretty certain that this is just a temporary thing.

I feel so bad for you because that must have scared you half to death to see what looked like blood!
yeah, it did give me quite the scare. Hopefully that's what it is. I also just switched over to fleece liners, so maybe his urine changed colors before and I just didn't notice it as much with the bedding. That makes me feel so much better.
so, if this is his natural urine color, if he is eating, drinking and playing normal I shouldn't have to worry right?
Yes. :) I don't think you should worry right now about anything. If he's acting normally, he probably has nothing at all wrong with him. I've noticed that with infections the chins will usually have a change in behavior and that they probably won't eat normally.

I'm relieved that he's going to be alright! :)
As mentionned previously... If you are going to worry and loose sleep over it, I would fo to the vet for peace of mind. That is priceless.;0)
As Susan said vets charge different amounts. The first vet I saw charged $52; the second one charged $42 (this was for just a normal exam). Oral Baytril was $40 for a 2 week dose from my first vet to treat bumble foot. Injected Baytril was $48, given to my chin that had a stone before surgery. I'm not sure if the price depends on how much they give you. I'd guess it does. The x-rays to look for a stone, initial $152, additional views after surgery were $55. Urinalysis was $52. I just had a recently adopted chin pass away after a surgery to have a stone removed. (I don't mean to tell you that to scare you). The total bill was over $900. I saw 2 different vets. The first vet told me it could be a UTI but they'd have to do x-rays to check. I called around and found a cheaper vet. If you call and ask they should be able to tell you the prices for initial exam, x-rays, urine test, and possibly Baytril. But, they could prescribe something different.

It may be nothing at all. Which is what I hope for you. Something in his diet could be the reason for darker colored urine. I hope your chin is ok.

They will ask you about his living conditions and diet. Has he been running on a mesh wheel? Is he housed with another chin? Could he have scratched himself on something? Done a hair ring check lately? Take a look at his feet too. I know my chin with the stone did try different corners when he was trying to pee, but I had also recently gotten him, cleaned his cage daily, and gave him bedding which he didn't have before. Any new toys in his cage, sharp corners?

Yeah, not much you can do for him tonight. Make sure he's comfortable and love him. Let us know how he does with the vet.
He just urinated again and it's back to them same yellow color it was before so I think he is fine. I'm so relieved. I never knew their Urine could change colors like that!