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Mar 13, 2012
i have 2 chins, one is a rescue that we took from a friend of a friend and the other we bought

the one we bought is around 7 yrs old and she wasnt eating and pooping and drooling 3 weeks ago took her to my vets as i knew she had teeth probs or malo

ending up having teeth probs and alls well with that , started eating and pooping more poop is still a little sticky , but was told anestecic might do that for a bit

2 weeks later still ok but she isnt grooming her self like she used to under her mouth and feet are mucky and under mouth the fur is matted now

( going vets in 5 hours with her)
but she is not her normal mischeif self she wants more and more tickles now before she use to nibble me its as if she wants loves more its just very strange
Chin get x-rays? What work was done on the teeth? Are you hand feeding and if so what? Is the chin on any pain meds or other medication? What was the diagnosis exactly?
had teeth cut down , no xrays as she said teeth have burred into gums , not hand feeding
and todays apppointment she says teeth ok now been put painkillers and antibiotics ,

and she put small amount a weight on and now she weighs 300grams
300 grams?! That is tiny... my 10 week old girls weigh 300 grams! You need skull xrays. If she's not eating to the point she's that small there is probably something seriously wrong with her teeth. You can't know what is wrong with them without an xray. Chinchillas don't even hold still long enough for a good tooth check. She should be being handfed.
300 grams?! That is tiny... my 10 week old girls weigh 300 grams! You need skull xrays. If she's not eating to the point she's that small there is probably something seriously wrong with her teeth. You can't know what is wrong with them without an xray. Chinchillas don't even hold still long enough for a good tooth check. She should be being handfed.

she was put asleep to do teeth work and she is eating , and she put some weight on too and we have been given a powder to mix that is high calorie for herbiovres
Are you using science recovery to hand feed? If she was put under to have the teeth worked on the chin should have had a x-ray done at that time-make sure when she is put under again to have that done, its important.
How much did the vet recommend handfeeding her? Even if she's eating on her own I'd personally keep supplementing with Critical Care or some other form of powdered food mixed with water. She needs to gain weight. If she has another round of teeth problems she might not be strong enough to fight it off otherwise. My little guy with malo weighed more than 300 grams when he died. It's possible the roots are already elongated into her jaw line/up toward her sinuses. Can you feel bumps along her jaw? With my guy you could feel the roots there. How are her eyes? Are they clear? Any milky discharge?
yes we have been given critical care and the vet has checked jaw line etc
the only problem we seem to have is the matted fur under her mouth , and on feet where she has tried to groom we have tried to move but dont know what i can use to help remove it

eyes ok she had that before about 3 years ago
I really think you need xrays to have a full idea of what is going on. If she isn't grooming herself that isn't a great sign. If she's only 300 grams that is also not a good sign. I've never heard of an adult chin being that small. Even the smallest of my girls is 310 grams now and she's only 10 weeks old. I would be getting as much Critical Care into her as possible. As far as the matted fur all you can really do is offer more dust baths and brush her. When my little guy got matted due to the Critical Care getting on his fur I'd use a damp cloth that was barely wet to clean it up and then dry him completely before offering a dustbath. When he was being handfed he got a lot of dustbaths.
Are you using science recovery to hand feed? If she was put under to have the teeth worked on the chin should have had a x-ray done at that time-make sure when she is put under again to have that done, its important.

I agree with Dawn. If the chin was already under for dental work, the x rays should have been done to rule out any below the gum issues. Hope she continues to do better.
update been feeding more crtical care didnt realise could feed her allday when she wants to eat , had about 5 teaspoons which is about 100 calories from what CC says ( critical care) , she still on antibiotics and painkillers and not drooling as much at the moment

also had her out used the damp cloth to clean her up a bit , do a bit more tomoz as she started to get a bit restless so i left her but looks cleaner
still eating lots of CC and pooping and drinking little bit tired cant jump as good still weighs 300 grams but looks cleaner as she trying groom but needed a little help to get thick matt off
took chin back in vets today as not happy with her looking as tho she not putting weight on , .... vet kept her in and having a xray and a cleanup while under,
just had a call and clipping more off teeth she said she found another spur from where she allready clipped
i think she missed a bit