Help please

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New member
May 13, 2011
my chinchilla is really ill, I came home and she was just on the floor of her cage not moving, she is still breathing but i noticed that she has been getting really skinny, even though she and the other chin she shares with are fed regularly, the last bowl being two days ago (lasts this long) i have no idea what to do, have been keeping her warm and trying to ger her to eat something I am really worried about her HELP
She needs to be taken to the vet ASAP. Once they reach the point that she is in, it is very dangerous and she very well could die without veterinary care.

If she is not eating she will need to be force fed. Critical Care is a very good food replacement for chins that are not eating. She could be going into stasis (digestive system shutting down) and the vet would have to prescribe GI meds to get it going again.
I see you are in the UK - whereabouts are you?
I'd recommend you get her to a vet now. A lethargic chin is a very sick chin.

There are several questions I would ask you but I would strongly recommend you get to a vet rather than waiting for replies on here.
3rd the goto the vet NOW.
chins hide illness really well (keeps them from becoming a target for predators)...if it's as bad as you say, you may not have long so I'd be in my car and on the way to the vet IF i were you.